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Edited by Reaga: 4/3/2016 1:22:01 AM

My face when someone says sniping takes skill

All year one people bitched and whined about shotguns and how they took "No skill", but now that snipers are ruling Crucible no one wants Bungie to take that crutch away? How -blam!-ing hypocritical do you have to be, honestly, to think on weapon type requires more skill than another? "B-but anyone can use a shotgun all you have to do is point and shoot" Oh you mean that I don't have to get in close and stand at near the damn edge of the map and get kills with shotgun. Holy -blam!-ing shit I must have been using them wrong. Oh as for the logic of anyone can use them, why the -blam!- can everyone use a sniper? Why does everyone act like it's so -blam!-ing hard to use these things? "W-well obviously people were complaining about things like found verdict, Felwinter's lie, and Matador" Oh you mean like everyone is and has been complaining 1000-yard stare? Defiance of Yasmine? Just gonna ignore that are we? Because those are the snipers everyone is using right now and have had the most complaints. "B-but shotgun were obviously broken messes, they needed to be reworked" And sniping doesn't? When the reticle doesn't work like the rest of the -blam!-ing weapons and allows you to get a head shot? Seriously, go use any other weapon in the game and let me know which one still hit where the reticle was pointing instead of its current position. They may not be OP but they sure as hell need a looking at. "But it must take skill because you don't see people going unbroken/getting really high kill streaks that often with snipers" You didn't see many -blam!-ing people that went unbroken with a -blam!-ing shot gun or fusion rifle either. Most of the times when they did they used their primaries and other abilities to help them reach those milestones. Same goes for snipers. "You're just bad and you need to adapt to the Meta" Oh you mean like how everyone didn't adapt to shotgun/fusion rifles or any other meta? This is what I -blam!-ing hate about the community, you people are so goddamn scared of losing the weapons that you rely to heavily on to think -blam!-ing clearly and act like giant -blam!-ing hypocrites when anyone encroaches on your weapon's territory. You all don't want balance in this game, you want your weapons to be the best and everyone else's weapons to be a big old steaming pile. You hoot and hollar about adapting, and certain weapon being unskilled, but yet half of you couldn't use a shotgun or fusion rifle to save your life and you never even tried to get better with them. Oh well, have fun "Adapting" to the new sniper changes coming on the 12th, I will enjoy watching you baddies struggle to get kills. Edit: To all the people pointing out my stats, good job, you found out at least enough to know that I haven't played [b]ON PLAYSTATION CONSOLES[/b] in a long time. To the people that are thinking that I am salty about getting killed with sniper rounds. Nah, that isn't what pisses me off. What pisses me off is you kids want shit on other weapons, but when someone starts dumping on snipers it "OH NO DON'T NERF MY SNIPERS, THEY ARE THE PERFECTS AND MOST BALANCE RIGHT NOW". Complain all for the first year about fusion rifles and shotguns ,that people legitimately loved using, some not even because they were the meta weapons, but when someone does the same to snipers suddenly they are noobs that can't "adapt?". Yet your unskilled asses couldn't quit bitching and adapt to those weapons? What pisses me off is you are being -blam!-ing hypocrites about the weapons. What's hilarious is the people in the comments proving my point about this as well, just look at how many people didn't read and just went for the insults. All they saw was someone saying something about snipers and went ape shit over it. Edit 2: Maybe I should start a fund for the illiterate and those that are failing with reading comprehension because either people can't read or choose to ignore the point. The point I was trying to make was that people using snipers say it takes skill to use, but yet every match people are using them often and well enough to dictate that the skill bar for these weapons is set quite low. To be great with them, yes it does take skill, but so does using a shotgun or a fusion rifle, but yet for all of year one and parts of year 2 people still continued to whine about them without thinking "hmm why are these weapons considered OP?". Look at most the maps on this -blam!-ing game, they are built for short to mid encounters. Couple that with the fact that Bungie thinks [b]SPECIAL[/b] ammo needs to be given out like candy and of course these weapons are going to be overused, they were the best for those situations. As for the children saying "Oh he's a shotgunner" "Lol he mad that he can't use a sniper and get killed with them", congrats you are the people I keep referring to, that constantly defend a broken system and again demonstrate my point that when it comes to your weapons they are fine and balanced, but everything is broken, cheap mess that needs to be nerfed. For those that think I can't use a sniper, congrats on being judgemental morons. Been using the TAO HUA YUAN (with ambush scope I might add) and Omolon Uzume quite easily and they have much lower AA than 1000-yard and Defiance.

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  • Post to long... Some players can snipe and some cannot or are not good at it at all... Sniping does take skill I guess, if it didn't everyone would be great at it

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  • While there are incredible skilled snipers I tend to agree. You can see it in the super snipe maps like Pantheon, Widows Court and Frontier. People set up in their rigid positions and just stand there waiting for someone to step in. I feel that Fusions rifles take the most skill in timing and setting up your opponent. And I say that as a shotgunner. The thing that I had is that their seems to only be two sniper rifles being used. I enjoyed watching Y1 sniping montages with the abundance of rifles being used. We had Icebreaker, P&T, Praedyth's Revenge, LDR, Longbow, Her Benevolence, The Supremacy and occasional Black Hammer and NLB. Now it is 1000 Yard Stare or Defiance. It's as lame as Thorn. I was sniped by Black Hammer and it felt refreshing, but he was an honestly skilled sniper, not a camper staring down a lane.

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  • Until aim assist is gone, no one weapon takes anymore skill than another it's more luck than anything tbh I over compensate and usually miss thanks to the reticle snapping to the hit box and me pushing it past it as I was not expecting the game to aim for me, I stopped playing rainbow six siege because the aim assist is just so mindbogglingly noticeable

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  • The problem with this whole posting and comments below is we're talking about special weapons..... We're talking about secondary weapons.... And not primaries? That's the problem and Bungie is failing miserably about fixing it, snipers don't need nerf just an ammo change/more flinch /and harder to handle. Destiny has higher aim assist then most games because of player movement is different then most FPS shooters , without it it would be impossible or extremely difficult to hit a target in PVP or PVE and no one would enjoy that. Guns don't need nerfing. Perks need reworking and classes needs Rebalancing Destiny 2 they'll get most of it right and actually let us "earn" gear.

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  • Your point makes no sense. We're a year and a half into this game. Everyone has gotten used to sniping. It's like this in every game. They do take "skill" and a lot of people have gotten their skill level up. -_-

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    6 Replies
    • TLDR

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    • 1

      Best served chilled.💕🥛💕🥛 - old


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    • Um... I can't tell are they laughing or doing [i]something else?[/i]

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      • it is a power any other game if you challenge a sniper with your primary there is a good chance you will lose, please community don't challenge get closer and destroy the snipers I promise it is easy

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      • Here's my reaction to your zero Crucible experience:

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      • Your account has no crucible experience Shut up

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      • Skill?

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      • Edited by AquanotSteve: 4/3/2016 8:55:09 AM
        Look, I'm not going to read everything you wrote because I don't have time. That being said, I want to ask you why you want us to throw pillows at each other. If we used snipers as a base for balance rather than nerf everything into oblivion, wouldn't that also work? Maybe some buffing is necessary in other areas to counter snipers. Or maybe we should all laugh at you because you can't stand getting beat. Edit: now that I've had the time to read what you've had to say, allow me to kindly tell you that we had to adapt to the shotgun glory days as well. The difference is that we actually tried to adapt.. We used teamwork and formed contingencies for shotguns that could clear a room with collaterals from 10 meters. Your post makes you out to be more of a hypocrite than you intended to make us out to be. If you really want to see a change in the community, stop playing the blame game with your posts and make a viable suggestion. Otherwise, kindly be quiet.

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        16 Replies
        • Hey I'm sorry about your ignorance in AA but if any bullets curve, it's primary's so that blows almost your whole argument :(

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        • Here's my experience. I've snipped since the day I started playing destiny. I've only recently started to get good with it. Now, I picked up my invective while iron banner was on rift. Two games in I had myself 23 kills n never used my primary. and this is after they been hit by the nerf stick.. I still use it but I don't enjoy half as much being so aggressive in crucible. I personally prefer my sniper, it fits better with my game style. It's taken me a year to get half decent with a sniper n I could master my invective within a couple a games. Make of my post what you will but that's the god honest truth.

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          • Edited by Brimstone: 4/3/2016 1:36:42 PM
            I can run up to a boy and shotgun his face and kill him. I can not pull off dank headshots in the matter of a split second of reaction time when the guy on the other side of the map has a sniper as well though. Now saying I suck would contradict your entire post. What do you do. :>

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          • Edited by Reikendo: 4/3/2016 10:52:40 AM
            Anyone half decent at PvP can still wreck with a shotgun quite easily, don't wanna get sniped? Get out of the sniper lanes. The reason everyone uses a select few snipers is because they are the few high impact ones capable of res sniping, if destiny adds more high impact snipers, they will get more diversity. Sooo many snipers are better than 1k yard, they just don't have the high impact. Also you seem to think everyone who sniped called for the shotgun nerf, how many people do you think who play the game actually post on here? I would guess a very small portion, not everyone is to blame for you needing a little cry.

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          • shotguns take no skill , it's true

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          • I hate when people point out stats. Like even if I had a godly KD il still forever hate hunter and Sunsingers.

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          • Come back when you have at least a lvl 40 baka

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          • I like how you pointed out that the fact that because all the other weapons require more skill means that this weapon require no skill. So moving the controller without looking at the controls so you can get a shot while timing it perfectly to pull the trigger get the PRECISION hit = no skill. Yes memorising the controls and being able to use them without visual aid while having to aim, keep watch, time the shot perfectly and position yourself well definitely doesn't involve ANY skill at all.

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            • Also. Please someone tell me one single game where shotguns took any sort of skill? They're literally put in the game so retards can get kills and don't put the game down cause its too hard

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              18 Replies
              • I swear if snipers get nerfed, i will not be mad that i cant snipe in pvp ITS BECAUSE THEY GET NERFED IN PVE ALL THESE PVP IDIOTS GETTING PVE NERFED

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                3 Replies
                • I just cannot stand using mida, for example, and landing 3 headshots but being headshot by my targets sniper before the 4th lands [b]CONSISTANTLY!![/b] It would be OK for the occasional but it happens far to often. No it's not skill by the sniper, it's the fact they can still aim easily enough to get the headshot off despite being smacked in the head. [i]descoping on headshots inbound[/i]

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                • Edited by XxSwampDad420xX: 4/3/2016 8:21:30 AM
                  If snipers were 1 shot kills on body shots they would still be less effective in the average situation than shotguns or autos. If people are tired of being sniped all the time, fair enough, but that doesn't mean that rifles are easy to use. People like using them specifically because they are difficult to use. It's a lot more fun getting a really clutch shot than it is getting easy kills, it just feels pointless after a while. With a sniper you get high rewards, but the price is the high amount of time and effort required to master them. People who like a challenge are naturally going to gravitate towards them, and just happen to get really good.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Why are you just now complaining about snipers considering they've stayed the same since the game launched. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, they've even had a reduction in aim assist in Year 2 as compared to Year 1. I guess it's because you didn't have a reason to considering how good a place shotguns were at. You must be under the false pretense that aim assist magically bends bullets which is totally not true. Aim assist merely allows for the scope to be centered on your target for a FRACTION of a second. As far as calling people hypocrites, you're in the same -blam!-ing boat! Here you are on the forums complaining about snipers in this elaborate post while in the same post complained about how others whined about shotguns! What a complete idiot. I just love how you point out how you're so sure that the majority of people who complained about shotguns probably couldn't even use one themselves when I know for damn sure that you could never do well using a sniper.

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