I may have missed the advertisements that actually spelled out that those exact exotics were going to be released. Also it appears to be a preproduction concept art photos and video. In preproduction they try things out and they hope that it works.
What would you say if it was released that the boots for a warlock would create a game failing error if the warlock had blink as their jump? Would you complain or not worry about a piece of armor in a video game?
Trust me I want all of the pieces that are "missing", I am a person who wants a collection to be complete, but if they product does not work then I do not want it in the game! I want the fate of all fools weapon, but I will never have it because it is reserved for that one special guardian whom it was released for!
You paid for the right to play a video game not to own every thing in the game right off the bat! You still have to play the game. Again I want to collect all things in this game but if they are not available or in the game then I am content with what the game has to offer!
They are in the armoury
That's a good point although I doubt what you are describing as a possibility is actually the case. I would be equally happy if Bungie could come out and just tell us why the exotics aren't there! It would put so much of the community at ease.