So since the division came out, I noticed this forum isn't as saturated with negativity anymore. Ya there's posts that come up here and there, but compared to the bombardment that it used to be, this forum has gotten a lot better! Really happy to see it actually. People talking about things that they like, cool updates and videos, even one post I saw had the hash tag #destinyisgreatagain.
That is all. Hope everyone has a great day and enjoys iron banner!
I reference this post often, it's spot-on.
3/4 my friends including myself that play division have pretty much put the game down. division gets boring and repetitive real fast.
Thanks bro. You too. All we have to do now is nerf generalist shells. Lvl 3 light too op. Lol
We're all too hyped about the April update to think about nerds and complaints
It looks like the forums are a ghost town. Before the division you could put a post up and it was instantly buried by 20 other <1 minute posts, now not so much.
It's also because Bingo has made some great changes and new additions.
Until April 12th
That is actually true! Just realized lol
I'm looking forward to what the sandbox and crucible update will be. I mean, you always save the best for last, right?
It was Trump, Make The Forums Great Again ~TheGreatForums
All the whiney casuals left...
Cause all the serious shitheads left, and now all us foolish, childish, players can finally smile and post dank post. (:
I.. You're right... I caught myself thinking that the posts were unusually chipper... I'm taken aback actually.
Everyone's hopeful about the update.
I've noticed it's gone up with numerous posts titled "Destiny is Dead."
I cleaned up the forums by muting
He your right :o WE MUST FIX THIS!
I do notice there is more room for discussion at the moment.
You know, I think you're right. The salt levels have decreased significantely.
Nahhh they were the ppl saying division will kill destiny they're the same ppl saying the division is better