So i held on to my arminius package for 2 weeks now and today i got this pretty awesome roll... What a lot of ppl complained about the gun that was failure in comparison to the doctorine was the recoil pattern, having to put extra effort to control the gun than the trials gun, However today i got my gun with crowd control (excellent for follow up kills) and counter balance. The perk REALLY minimizes the recoil pattern only making it go left by a smidge. The gun is super easy to handle now. I really think now its on par , if not better than the doctrine.. If only it came with feeding frenzy with the counter balance instead of crowd control... Have you guys tried it? What do you all think of the arminius with counter balance? I honestly think the counter balance sells this weapon to its max potential. If you haven't gotten it yet, you should.
I've been wrecking doctrines all day with it...