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Edited by ABZÛ: 4/2/2016 2:05:12 AM

Can We Please Discuss the 9 Missing Exotics Promised at Launch?

So far warlocks have received 3 new exotics. Titans have received 4 and hunters have received 4. Luke Smith promised back in August that each class would receive 6 new exotics at launch in a game informer interview. Not only that 3 of these exotics actually featured in The Taken King trailer. These exotics were [b]Astrocyte Verse[/b], [b]Ophidian Aspect[/b], and [b]Transversive Steps[/b]. The most interesting exotics have been held back. Bungie has just confirmed after their Instagram reveal that there will be 0 new exotics. How in any way is this acceptable? You sold us something which you haven't delivered on. You deliberately tricked and mislead us. So what? You are going to sell us these exotics for a second time in a paid expansion. Smh... [b]TRANSPARENCY PLEASE![/b] Edit: So the weekly update is here and as many people predicted there is no sign or even recognition of these exotics. There isn't even a hint to suggest they will be revealed in next update either. Support this post by CitrusTheNile which is on the same topic. Final Edit: Ive sent this thread to both Cozmo and Deej and sent them links on recent posts they've replied to. This thread has 500 replies and stayed top of trending for 2 days during a time when Bungie will be looking for reactions to their reveals. Still ignored. Now I'm not asking for the community manager to snap his fingers and give us all 9 of the missing exotics. We are looking for legitimate reasons as to why what we paid for is still missing 7 months later. Is that too much to ask or do the job requirements for community manager at Bungie mean that you have to be raised by an autistic family of Hellen Kellers living on a Pacific Island. A few words would suffice you know. It really is stupid of me to be surprised by this tbh. After you've lied so much about SBMM, weapon balancing, reward fixing, etc., etc., etc. The list goes on and will go on for as long as this cancerous game reels in players and spits out cash over the next 10 years and as time goes by no doubt your relationship with the community will become even more poisonous. What baffles me the most is the fact that your studio has 500 employees yet you struggle to cobble together a half decent AAA game. You have the Activision machine behind you and a hamster wheel crammed with behavioural psychology tricks (which btw doesn't make you the slightest bit decent) and you still can't make a good game. In Guildford in London a studio of 10 people created a game more beautiful and infinitely more replayable than yours with less money and worse tools. Not only do you lack ethics you lack competence. If I were to buy Destiny 2 it wouldn't be unrealistic to expect the new CoD season pass on the disc and if we pre-order maybe we might be gifted an uncensored picture of Luke Smiths flabby arse. You really have become such scum Bungie. [spoiler]A twitch studio to show off rehashed content and reskins a few times a year doesn't heal any wounds.[/spoiler]

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  • I predict people will request a nerf on the Hunter gauntlets (Shinobu's Vow) and the Titan boots ( Dune Marchers). Hunters with two improved skip grenades might actually be OP. Titans are already the fastest class, but giving them a tighter turn radius for shoulder charging and the ability to strafe quickly while ADS sounds deadly.

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    • they will probably make us wait until like june so they have something to drop between now and the sept update/dlc as its gonna be a long 5 months with only a strike and a few poe reskins. once the content goes a bit dry again they will drop them exotics in. change the pvp meta up a lil bit and then drop the sept dlc. I just hope none of them are crazy op as after that they will be moving everyone over to destiny 2 lol.

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    • Edited by MrsCryptarch: 3/31/2016 4:23:10 PM
      Ok and think of all the other things we may have paid for but don't know about and/ or didn't receive. Its business. Things happen. It's a company. They can do what they want. I'm sure it's somewhere in the Agreement we sign with every expansion saying they have every right to revoke, change, undo whatever the blam! they want because I don't think we really own anything within the game other than micro transactions. You own your copy of the game but you don't have the full rights to the content like the guns, gear etc. So I don't complain anymore about missing exotics. And I don't believe we paid for something that wasn't on the shelf. In a trailer but not on the shelf. And I do believe they will deliver it just wasn't WHEN we expected. Just so people know i'm not 100% siding with Bungie i'm just saying if you can't live with how things turned out as far as the exotics then simply don't support this company anymore. If you believe they're so dirty and under handed then leave, but I get sick of people expecting a whole company to suddenly change. It's never worked like that.

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      3 Replies
      • It's possible that the missing exotics will have their own quests following the April 12th update. That would be great, so long as they aren't all like the secrete Lost to Light mission.

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      • Bump

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      • Like they will say it here....

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      • Edited by rZI3: 3/31/2016 1:00:18 PM
        So next real dlc comes and drops, and these exotics haven't been released... where do we stand? like can legal action be taken from the brave? I'm not P!ssed they haven't dropped them yet, anoyed yes but i will live. But as like year one a few things weren't made clear, for example the hunter cloaks, come yr2 we fount they where playstation only (well i did, not sure about others). So will this be the same... bungie don't confirm, we are lead to believer they are avalible, eventually we find the remaining exotics are playstation only?

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        5 Replies
        • Bump, we want answers

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        • Shhh...they are hiding them for April 12....maybe

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        • Might be an update before the next expansion that will let us use them. Sucks that they are planned that far out, that or being worked on for this long. Like they literally only modeled them or something, though I doubt that. Anyway wasn't there an update in december like this, maybe before or when srl dropped?

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          • They were probably given to cancer patients.

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          • Edited by Pilcrow: 3/31/2016 1:25:46 AM
            I been asking this same question week in and week out.. . for about 4 months. Then gave up. I think fans should rally and create a white house petition to ask where the -blam!- is the content we thought we paid for? The hype for the warlock helmet was real. I been wanting that thing before TTK dropped. Then it never did. It's 7 months out sense TTK has dropped. Still nothing. Now that I think about it. It annoys me all over again and makes me not want to even spend $1 on this spring release. If fans were smart. They would boycott destiny on the 12th and spam them with "were is the missing exotics" all day long. For the people that don't know. Company's can easily be sued for false advertisement. Showing content, using it as a selling point to then release something completely different. Is false advertisement. I know, no biggy right. But when a company is making hundreds of millions of dollars off this false advertisement. They should be punished for it. Side note; it's smart of bungie not to say what's new or hidden. So on the 12th there will be even more hype. But if there really isn't anything new, not even content we thought we bought. That's a big disappointment.

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            5 Replies
            • Didn't know that...hmmm

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            • We will get some exotics with the new update no for sure list of what's included tho

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              3 Replies
              • Thats bungie for ya

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              • Yeah, even if they just tell us "You'll get it in May" would be better than just being left in suspense like this

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                5 Replies
                • I also can't believe the locked shaders, emblems and ship we have seen in the terminal since TTK are also still not available. I am hopeful all of this is discussed next week. Hold back the anger until then!

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                  • 1
                    Lord Silimar
                    Lord Silimar

                    You cannot be broken - old

                    I do believe that PS4 got some of them right? As usual they now get everything.

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                    5 Replies
                    • If they sell is our missing exotics agin. That's false advertisement and we should be able to sue!!! Red bull got sued for telling ppl it can give you wings!

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                      9 Replies
                      • The -blam!-? I thought they would release them in this update. Where did they say they are not realising the new exotics? If this is true, why the heck would you not release them after -blam!-ING 7 months. I swear to god if they bring these exotics in the fall dlc and call them new I'm going to flip

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                        2 Replies
                        • Cuz you know that we want to look FABulous with our pink lipstick and purple hair omgeee

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                        • I have mentioned this before months ago, and there is still no news on whether we will ever get these exotics at all. I feel slightly ripped off. "The Taken King with brand new exotics!.... most of which you won't actually get, BUY NOW!"

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                        • I better have ophidian aspects in the april update because since I first heard of them I had been planning on a build with them, it's mainly why I practice so much with TFC (though I also just love the gun) and they /did/ say we'd have them, did they not? They need to give us things that already exist in the game or give us some answers as to why not. Deej and Cozmo won't last forever if bungie won't let them say anything, I think even they'll get sick of it, all the silence about so much

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                        • Im a kitty and i like to scratch.. Im a kitty and i like to scratch.. Scratch scratch Destiny is dead.. Scratch scratch. Destiny is dead.

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                          1 Reply
                          • they showed at least 4. The giant spike arms on the titan are the [b]Thagomizers[/b]

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                            1 Reply
                            • I'm with you dude. I was watching the stream thinking "Oh taken glitch emote for free, that's cool. I like it but would never have paid for it". "Oh sweet I won't run out of armor mats just trying to ensure a highest level infusion on my favourite gear pieces". "Ah you can turn a light on some armor pieces...... I guess that's a nice start". "........ so where are my new exotics." Bringing forward weapons from Y1 and putting it out as new content is the laziest developing I have ever heard of. As for the exotics from Y1, it's about damn time. The only reason they didn't do this all in one go was to make it look like their poor amount of content had some more meat to it. As a day 1 player, clan leader and all round avid fan of Destiny, this is extremely disappointing. I agree that it's reskinning, it's things we already have experienced being brought back. Sure we asked for that 10 months ago and their finally fulfilling that promise but you can't expect me to be overjoyed about it when they touted this as a substantial update (either before christmas or in January. God it's been so long I've forgotten). Also, where are my damn Fusion Rifles. You didn't show off any. Where's my Give/Take Equation, my 77 Wizard, my Final Rest II. Seriously Bungie, why did you make a unique gun type then decide it was your worst enemy and must die a slow painful death. *sigh* I get off point though tl:dr This isn't added content, it's DLC with the trickle modifier on.

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