Have there been any characters that actually could do this yet? If so you need to make a list of them.
The comic versions of Superman, Thor, Hulk, Wonder Woman, Iron man etc.
I'd question WW and Iron Man, honestly.
WW has shown to be a match for Superman. Iron man has withstood hits from Hulk. http://m.imgur.com/iyiKLNi?r Who could support a star on his back. http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11113/111138490/3475067-hulk_lifts_star_001_infinity_6_002.jpg
The major distinction is that WW is significantly less durable than Superman, instead compensating with accelerated healing. Which wouldn't do much against a superlaser. Iron Man could possibly survive, depending heavily on what suit he's using. Late-gen or specialized suits, maybe? Standard, familiar suits? Not likely.
[quote]The major distinction is that WW is significantly less durable than Superman, instead compensating with accelerated healing. Which wouldn't do much against a superlaser. ------- Proof of this? ------- Iron Man could possibly survive, depending heavily on what suit he's using. Late-gen or specialized suits, maybe? Standard, familiar suits? Not likely.[/quote] ------- That was his standard suit.
WW- http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Wonder_Woman_(Diana_Prince) And the Iron Man suit I mean is the classic Red/gold suit from the MCU. By that point, he's upgraded it significantly.
[quote]WW- http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Wonder_Woman_(Diana_Prince) ------- Wikis are not good sources. She has shown to be capable of withstanding punches from superman. http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/123129/3129694-4007067661-29505.jpg ------- And the Iron Man suit I mean is the classic Red/gold suit from the MCU. By that point, he's upgraded it significantly.[/quote] ------- None of the MCU armors could survive it.
Withstanding blows, yes. But it's highly unlikely he was hitting full force, and, as it states, she is "as strong as the earth". Which, since the Death Star is a Planet-Killer weapon, would make it able to best her defense.
[quote]Withstanding blows, yes. But it's highly unlikely he was hitting full force, ------ At the time he thought she was Doomsday. http://static2.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/6/60473/1833968-1688441_superman_vs_wonderwoman_pic_2.png So he was not holding back. ------ and, as it states, she is "as strong as the earth". Which, since the Death Star is a Planet-Killer weapon, would make it able to best her defense.[/quote] ------ Superman punches with enough force to shatter a small planet as shown at 3:12, which is similar in power to the Death Star. http://youtu.be/jKOQ5kr036k