I'm a 317 warlock I need people to do the hard raid from fresh with me I will be doing challenge so msg me must know how to do everything
Looking for a team for hard kings fall fresh. Asking for 315+, but can be flexible. Mic required, but nothing else is. Msg Silent0114 for inv.
need 4 more 317+ for kings fall hard fresh run. Must have touch and spindle. Doing challenge. Message Pound of Hash for invite
Need 5 for fresh kings fall hard mode. Gt same as above. Message me.
317 Hunter hosting Nightfall 310+ preferred GT: indeadsleep
Hard Vault of Glass. Must know what to do msg me for inv.
Need 5 for vog hard mode for the no Time to explain quest msg me in game for inv gt same as above
Want to do Nightfall. I'm looking to join a group. I'm not making a group. 313 light Warlock GT ArchAngelZero0
I'm doing the raid normal or hard fresh and need 5 more and must have a mic and I'm doing nightfall right after