I know. Mayhem. Clash. Teams of roving bads, and fast charging supers. But stay with me.
Even against teams of 6 running Mayhem Clash all week, I have never seen a game
Mode where the lead could swing almost instantly.
Fast supers.
Fast grenades.
Who needs a primary, secondary, or heavy? Your super is charged again!!
So anyway. Had a great time this week leveling a hunter through mayhem; we need this as an Iron Banner mode.
Think of it. Queue solo? Doesn't matter. As a team? STILL DON'T MATTER! Rewards and bounties can be done easily... Maybe not the primary/secondary.. Hard to Mida someone that is Golden Gunning your face, but high score and others would be knocked out so fast people would have a chance to enjoy themselves again!
Stress free murdering! Like the Purge, but all week for Iron Banner!
Tell me what you think. I can't be alone in this. Bump for Bungie attention!
Edit: Wow so [b]much[/b] positive attention, and hardly any sodium! Keep this bumped and up voted, and remember:
"If it's red, it's dead."
Edit: agree or disagree all you like, just don't turn this thread into a typical "you scrub muffin. Look at your stats!" Or a "that's stupid, you're stupid for thinking that" without having any kind of Mayhem experience. It makes you a super douche nozzle.
Edit: [b]We got a blue's attention! *dance*[/b]
This idea just made me come [spoiler]here to comment my support of it.[/spoiler]
Plz Bungie mayhem!!!!
I'm absolutely and totally and completly agreed w/ u, meyhem clash ✌🏻️
I'd enjoy it if everything charged even quicker. "Mayhem" isn't "mayhem" enough, at least to me. I want absolute madness. Anyway, I'll say yes. Mayhem is always fun.
If only if could happen. It's the only good game mode for crucible now in my opinion. It's the best place to not feel bad about getting panic-supered because you can go and get them back. If you fail then it doesn't matter because you have like 10 more tries. :)
Problem I see is that solo players could get wrecked over and over by teams of 3+ I would love to see it happen but I think instead of getting medals for losing you just get straight up rep, or you don't have a limit on how many medals you can hold at a time to avoid people(especially solo players) getting stuck with 5 medals and not being able to get a win.
[quote]Enjoy yourself guardian[/quote]
ABSOLUTELY NOT! This is a horrible idea. No no no no.
6v6 Freelance!
Correction: Mayhem inferno rift
No, no and no
Dear Diary: Today, OP was not a fgt. In fact, he was very sensible and used basic logic in his post. I don't quite understand this breakthrough. I can't make head nor tail of it. Is it truly sincere, or just a plot? Some elaborate troll? Is he just sincere on the surface, but still retains the interiority of a fgt? Is OP a fgt for [i]not[/i] being a fgt? Has OP's extremely elaborate fgtry created some sort of paradox in which he is such a fgt that he does not appear to be so? Indeed, these questions occupy my waking hours and haunt me still further at night. Will they ever be answered? Will my restless mind be put to rest? With this revelation, I fear not only for the future, but for my own sanity, as well.
Honestly as long as it's not Rift again, I'll be fine with anything else. Being a solo player I completely avoided that version of Iron Banner.
A golden gun fight does not sound appealing, there's a reason it's not a permanent playlist. Yeah it's fun to play sometimes but to get rank 5 on all characters would be horrible.
Lol I want this just for the fun of it
I wouldn't Cate if I lost a lot it would be so fast paced and fun.
Personally I'd hate it. Mayhem clash is not something I enjoy. That's just me, I know many love it.
Will my insurance cover injuries sustained in this mayhem?
Username is relevant.
Been wanting this since Mayhem became a thing. I would even say, if at all possible make a designated day or two of Mayhem every IB!