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3/27/2016 5:36:09 PM

Fallen Baby Chapter 62

[b]I applauded myself yesterday for making it this far. Can you believe it guys? It feels so long ago that I thought of making this story a thing. As for you readers, thank you. Chapter 62: Found Out[/b] Silence. It was something Vala liked. Sometimes Hunters liked silence as well. Titans were silent when they observed. Warlocks were silent when their minds worked towards solutions. [i]Silence.[/i] Didn't she always like the silence? But this...this silence was something that sat wrong her. This silence sent the wrong signals. This silence made her arms prickle with goosebumps. This silence promised death. "Bolt," she whispered low enough for just him to hear. Her son nodded, pressing himself closer to her. "I want all that training that everyone put you through to come forth." "Mom? What-" Bolt whispered back, tone frantic. Vala shook her head quickly, quickly bringing up a finger to her lips. "Bolt. I need you to [i]fight.[/i] This isn't training anymore. It's full on fight or die." She regretted the words that escaped her mouth as she felt the slight tremor that went through Bolt but she had no choice. They were trapped and it was do or die literally. "On the count of three, I want you to follow me with your blades drawn." Again she had to shake her head when Bolt tried to utter a word." [i]Fight[/i] as if your life depended on it. I will protect you no matter what." It was true. Vala would always protect him no matter what. Come hell or high waters she swore she would. "One..." Bolt twitched but sucked in a breath. "Two.." Two of his lower hands went towards his waist where she knew his knives rested. "Three!" With movement that was probably too fast for the eye to catch, Vala whipped up on to her feet and launched a knife towards the bushes. She knew that person who threw their knife at them was somewhere there. Hoping for the best, her feet pounded the ground to get away. Bolt had his knives already drawn and was following her easily as she dashed away in the opposite direction. Where the knife was thrown, a surprised yelp followed. Vala grimaced at the sound but continued onward. "Just keep your eyes out for-" Vala suddenly grabbed Bolt once more but by the shoulders and tossed him to the side. The second she did, a bullet whizzed past her face by mere inches. With Bolt scrabbling on the ground, she pulled out her scout rifle and shot into where she saw that one red light gleaming at her. Some of the rounds found their target, pained shouts echoing around the jungle. "As I was saying, watch out for sniper lights." Helping up her son, Vala went over to where she knew a body would be laying. Lo and behold, there hidden behind some bushes was a bleeding male Hunter. Vala watched him scrabble with the wounds, blood slipping through his fingers so easily. Ignoring his pained whimpers, Vala took in the man's attire. When the other Hunter looked up, he let out an undignified sound and tried to move away but whimpered in pain once more. "S-Stay back!! Please!" He cried out, holding his hands over his head as he waited for the killing blow. When none came, he spared a look up with shoulders trembling. [i]You are...[/i] Vala wanted to smile and laugh at the same time. To scream and cry at how sick she felt to feel relief consume her worried nerves. Because somehow, just somehow Cayde himself pulled a one over the Vanguard. [i]You sly bucket of bolts.[/i] The Hunter Vanguard sent [i]new Hunters[/i] after her and her son. Not the experienced Hunters she knew of since her time. Guessing she had stumbled upon their half baked ambush plan, the Hunter could only shake her head. Still staring down at the Hunter, Vala felt suddenly felt guilty. Yet it was short lived when the leaves rustled around them. [i]Their backup has arrived.[/i] "Bolt! Fighting stance!!" Pulling out her own two blades, Vala turned around just as another Hunter swung at her from behind their hiding spot. The attack was easily repelled, Vala kicking them backwards in the stomach. Arms flailing, the Hunter fell to the ground. Jumping down and straddling the dazed Hunter, Vala stabbed her knife into their neck with practiced ease. The sharp metal easily broke through fabric, and flesh like a knife on butter. The Hunter only twitched before slumping completely with a wet sounding gurgle. [i]I'm sorry.[/i] She truly was. With one enemy down, Vala turned to Bolt just as he stabbed a Hunter in the side with two of his knives. She shut her eyes as the injured Hunter began groaning in pain. She couldn't block out the frantic whispering her son tried to convey to the dying Guardian. Bolt should not have to face this. Her son deserved better. "I'm so sorry. Please I'm sorry. Just please don't struggle." As if understanding, the Hunter ceased struggling and simply lay down and took shallow breaths. Those breaths became shorter and eventually stilled, Bolt taking hold of their hand as they stopped moving. Vala only watched, entranced at how even the situation was, Bolt refused to hide his emotions. [i]Shows how much he isn't what everyone believes him to be.[/i] She took one step to go and comfort him only to turn around when another Hunter charged her again. Blood ran down her knife and on to her gloves as she stabbed them in the stomach. The liquid was warm, but felt like a burning brand on her conscience. They fell, the knife also finding their neck. The still alive Hunter uttered a terrified sound at the sight and she turned her blade to him as well. He didn't put up a fight, sickening her insides. She wanted to throw up at the feeling like she was killing children despite their appearances. "Bolt let's go. We can't stay here any longer." She said, her voice wavering as she stepped away from the cloying smell of blood and death. Bolt followed, his form shaking and she placed an arm around his shoulders. It was no surprise that he was crying. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she continued on into the jungle. [i]"I'm so sorry..."[/i] Vala whispered to her son, to the Guardians she murdered, to the others out there that she knew she had to fight. Looking to the blood on her glove, she felt her heart grow heavy. The silence came back. Vala liked silence. But it sat wrong with her...

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