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Edited by Fk x Monsterz: 3/28/2016 12:36:33 AM

The way to actually fix snipers

Learn what Aim Assist does before you call nerf people... Aim Aissist does not curve bullets. It does not enhance where the recticle goes when aiming. It does however slow down the recticle when aiming at an enemy, meaning that unless you go from using a Weyloran's March to a Praedyth's Revenge, you're not going to be able to tell the difference... What does need to happen (I snipe almost exclusively) is sway when moving. Not a ton, but around half the sway that No Land Beyond has (NLB is fairly easy to use, but the sway is too much for a special. It only works because NLB is a primary). Sway would just make close quarters sniping a little less trivial and a little more "oh shit I hope this hits". On a side note, I would also like to see a slight berf to hipfire, as if you like up the player to the middle of your screen and hipfire with a sniper, maybe 68/10 times that will hit them, and 3/10 will be headshots. Comment your views down below:

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