>3 years old
>Playing some Excitebike
>tfw shit myself because still not quite getting the hang of making it to the toilet on time
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur
Glad I read this on the toilet. Seems fitting
*shitposting intensifies*
Ah, a greentext! Truly, one of nature's most beautiful creations!
>be Zonda >memeing like its 2009 >show those kids how it's done >start with blankposting >triforce maybe why not? >it's all ogre >nobody can match him >he's the Duke >looks at his kingdom >he's finally there >sits on this throne >as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air
The tags make half the post
*everybody walk the dinosaur Get out of here with your plebeian Markiplier meme.
Zonda never change.
mfw when everybody doesn't walk the dinosaur
dang Zonda boy u old
1v1 me, I could wreck you with R.O.B you little shit.
What's done is done, Zonda.
10/10 would shit post again