what are you most grateful for, right now, in this moment?
Wrong holiday.
u bby
Opposable thumbs
family, coach and my ability to play
the misery of others. it quenches my hunger.
My friends and family.
Internet fights an epic battle of giant proportions that can be accessed by anyone on bungie.net
Best friend.
Warm bed.
My friends
Cookie :3
Family raising me well and providing me with a great life.
I'm [b]grate[/b]ful for cheese.
My whiskey
My body pillow
My girlfriend. She's my life.
That my parents didn't kick me out of the house upon reaching adulthood.
I'm grateful to have a job
The fact that I can lose everything, and not let it bother me.. That. Is what I'm grateful for.
Trump's benevolence
[quote]grateful[/quote] Kys
That the world is at total peace with itself and everyone gets together to enjoy the roses. Oh wait. Jk I'm just grateful that there are some people who look on the upside of things. Like you for making this forum. Good job. Have a lollipop.
My dog.
the fact that one day i will die and finally be done with this pathetic garbage of a life i have
Waking up this morning.