Make your own powerful custom weapons at the expense of marks and lots of weapon parts
Say you want a hand cannon with massive range so you make a scout rifle barrel that allows high range and you build the rest of the hand cannon to your liking and simply add the barrel and this not only affects the stats and perks of the weapon but also the appearance
Also in order to make a weapon weapon for a certain weapon slot you can only use primary weapon parts for primary weapons special for special and heavy for heavy
The weapons you create will always be legendary and and also the weapons will go through a short wait time for Bungie to assess the weapons and test them accordingly to see how they perform and if the weapon is too OP then they auto-balance the chemistry of the weapons stats so if he weapons damage is too high they can balance it out so it has good damage but no one shots with a primary in crucible
ONE MORE THING - custom weapon attachments, you can take a sniper scope off of a sniper and change the look, reticle, and visual range effect of it
I was thinking of something similar to this, it could be a quest where you need to find each component of the weapon, even if you could just choose the weapon type and archetype, and then choose each perk to fill every spot. Even if it was one weapon per account, it would reward experienced players, encourage you to use a variety of weapons to test out the potential strengths for a custom one, and would add diversity in Crucible.
This is a great idea. Bump.
Bump, fits right in with the changes to the gunsmith.