Why is it, that i cant have fun in trials anymore.. Now this week. Another map that revolves around sniping. Im a close quarters fusion rifle user. Im pretty skilled but when im faced against 3 sniper either 1,000 yard stares, ice breakers, or black spindle. Its unfair in so many ways too players who want too have fun and be unique. Destiny doesn't have uniqueness. Its too simple, im a year one player and ever so dedicated.. But the sniping meta is getting too real.. I dont want them nerfed i just want map rotations that make sniping irrelevant, not the whole reason the other team is winning, i get sniped and get revived. Oh look guys! 3 snipers! All hard scoping and boom wrecked. I just want a fair fight thats all. I can quick scope people with my sniper without hardscoling ( and i barely use snipers) it takes no skill what so ever too snipe. Idc what anyone says. And the fact that we have no defense over rez snipers. I would love if instead of floating down for 4 secs, too be able to counter the snipers. But it is physically impossible. (unless they miss) but with target acquisition, and aim assist, we all might as well just bend over and let them shove the barrels right up there. Plus since last week the map was widows court, the sniping was 10x worse then what i just went through today.
Bungie, my honest opinion on how pvp stands. Just makes me laugh, id rather go too c.o.d again.. I mean no disrespect, im just soo ever tired of the unfairness that dwells within destiny. It needs too be fixed all at once, not tiny little adjustments...
I've been running NLB and Fusion most weeks and gone flawless most times, as long as you stay out of sniper sight and have good map control you should be good
Edited by Alpaca: 3/25/2016 8:23:53 PMI know that man, im just tired of never meeting a group that plays fair, just always does what everyone else does, snipe and camp. And the map this week is frontier, theres only one place you can be too be out of snipe sight, and its alpha spawn. If your in bravo, you might as well give up. I have yet too see a shotgun or a fusion rifle. Just snipers. Destiny is sniper this, sniper that. I dislike with a passion. I use plan c and do 5x better then normal players that sit with snipers. I want diversity in a game.. And destiny doesnt offer that. Anymore atleast. I find myself playing less and less destiny each week because of this. But i love destiny. I want too keep playing but how it is now.. No wayy left for dead, or halo reach is more fun
Bs... I just watched luminosity take down krafty on that map using pdx and a shotgun. Stay out of sniper lanes.