They were already nerfed enough, Jesus!
Btw in case you were not aware every grenade makes you pretty much one shot except a few specific ones with unique property's. But be close to any blast radius and you're one shot
Still leaves you 1 shot
Acitally they were buffed with 2 extra ticks but nerfed initial damge so barely lost any damage plus u have to run longer get your facts straight
I'd take the damage and range over 2 extra ticks any day.
It litarly dose like 12 less damage still is a kill with a body shot from Handcannon now ya just burn longer:)
Flux grenades stick to a ram and doesn't kill
It's more to the point that with Viking funeral you burn for 14 seconds and in a game as fast paced as destiny that makes it OP, not to mention you don't even have to throw it near someone to hit them
I think it's fine, it gives you 14 seconds to take 2 or 3 Guardians down with you.
? No! That's not how it works! You've obviously got no idea how this works!
Not if you're burning and being pelted to death... Apparently everyone is a clutch master when it comes to this game.