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3/23/2016 6:11:38 AM

The best clan around

My clanmates and I decided we're going to open up for new members. And hopefully build a new destiny for everyone in destiny were a very peaceful group we don't cuss eachother out just because. We strive to be friends and make new friends. Isn't that what the game is about having fun with friends and making new ones. We're trying to find people who think just like that. Who want to play and not be bored. The game is still alive. It only stays alive if you make it fun so let's make it fun together swing by the clan page and put in a request. We are a psn clan but we will more than happy branch out to Xbox. Remember year one when you needed someone for VOG. That is no longer a problem over here come on by to see what's fresh Clan name"take a freaking chill". Can't wait to see you there. #newfriends #Communityfocus

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