Well bungie.net, I've decided to finally sell out. I tried being popular from my own merits, but all that got me was a couple of group chats with the only sane members left on b.net. What I really want is to be worshipped by the masses. Unfortunately, I'm unfamiliar with what merits cause someone to be "popular" on an obscure Internet forum, so I need [b]your[/b] help to decide my future shtick. Vote, follow, subscribe, and stalk me for future updates on my soon-to-be b.net fame!
I violated the [url=http://img12.deviantart.net/b194/i/2013/226/7/4/_rwby__lewd_kiss_weiss_x_ruby_by_electrokineticartest-d6i602e.jpg]Code of Conduct[/url] and was met with Ninja Justice. [spoiler]click it[/spoiler]