Ill be chilling in trials and end up being melted by this thing. Because people can make it to 7 wins or to the lighthouse to get this over powered gun is not okay. Since I dont have this gun along with many other people makes it very hard to even kill people with out being melted. Its ridiculous how good it is. Please nerf this thing to make trials even again. Also that ice breaker thing is pretty bad....
Most autos suck right now so you would be basically be nerfing the only great auto rifle there is. Plus just like one of the other comments I agree with trials isn't meant to be fair it's competitive for a reason going 9/0 is supposed to mean that your skilled at the game and the meta is the only way you can challenge other people using the meta frankly I don't think they should nerf it just buff everything else so there is several types of meta I'm pretty sure bungie just wants a balanced game in the end