I searched Google with no luck, so I'm asking here. I only have one character, and I'm wondering if it's possible to get all 3 swords with one character. I was told that after I get my first one, I can buy the others from Shaxx, level them up, then the quests will pop up again.
Yes I got all three with my hunter. After you buy the sword from shaxx boost the light lv to 280 and the quest will begin.
Yes. I got boltcaster first and the other two were fairly easy for the crucible.
Yes, once you get an exotic sword you can buy the legendary ones from shaxx. Once you level them and fully upgrade them then the quests for the exotic versions will start. You can do more then 1 exotic sword quest at once as well. I got my void exotic first, then did solar and arc at same time.
U can do it all on 1 character...word of advise...get all sword quests to the point of crucible kills so u only have to do that step once
I did all of them on my Titan.
Yes you can use 1 character.