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Edited by Mr Awesome 0ne: 3/20/2016 1:56:38 PM
I enjoy Angry Joe's reviews, but he is FLAT OUT WRONG, the Division is excellent - almost Great. His opinion though, so take it for what it's worth. Just like this is my opinion below. Anyone saying that The Division it is repetitive compared to Destiny...have you played Destiny in the last 16 months? I have had to run the KF raid 66 TIMES to try and get one F'n helmet, which I still have not. That's the EPITOME of repetitive. How about all the people posting their hours upon hours of farming for the Grasp of Malok in the Omnigul strike, or people trying to get Taniks' cloak for hours and hours, or the ship from the Black Spindle mission? DESTICLES, I used to be one of you, 55 days played, almost 2,000 hours. TAKE YOUR F'N blinders OFF. Sure, the Raids have some mechanics to them, jump here, jump there. Stand here, stand there. But do strikes? Nope. The Division's Raid/Incursions has not even been released yet, time-gated, so everyone has the chance to get to MAX lvl so they can participate. Much like Destiny did. Nobody has any ideas what an Incursion will be like, probably going to be some mechanics involved. [u][b]***Portion in regards to Helicopter Mission was removed for inaccuracy, I don't want to give mis-information***[/b][/u] Don't even get me started on loot drops. I received six, SIX legendaries from that Daily mission alone, all of which were useful to me. And if they weren't I could, OMG REROLL them! What a thought. My friends and I started off with 3 of us playing the Division last Wednesday. Last night there were 10 of us, and ALL of us love it. That's 10 players right there all former Destiny players who loved it. Not liked it, not just passing the time, loved it. No to mention the numerous Orange dots all over my map that are PLAYERS on my friends list that were not in our party. One dude playing Destiny and he is a Trials whore. Give me the Bullet sponges all day, cause the fire-fights are always different in the Division, I have no idea where anything or what will Spawn in an area, besides the DZ, where even there, different enemies spawn the majority of the time at a location. But, you guys keep killing your Dregs, or waiting for a couple Yellow Hive to spawn in an old basement to get your Bounties done. I'll be shootin' and lootin' even if behind cover, in the Division for loot I actually need, and will use. EDIT - 2 - Angry Joe's assessment of the Dark Zone was pretty spot on, it absolutely needs some help.

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  • Lol lets see if you can say the same 17 months in

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  • Well ya see kiddo[spoiler]WE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO, Destiny should've been an almost 9/10 from the start. But bungo blew it.[/spoiler]

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  • Doesn't matter, the game is still alive. Lets see if the division can say the same after 17 months.

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  • To some people the Division will last them years the same with Destiny. What's your point?

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  • So you expect all games to start artificially extending playtime and implement an RNG system psychologically created to keep you chasing a non-existent carrot? Ok

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  • My point is the amount of people

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  • Nice post. Bump

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  • Edited by C-Sentinel: 3/20/2016 3:54:02 PM
    I think you are blind. The entire game is broken. You had players who were getting 15-17 phoenix credits per named elite, farmed the shit out of the them and stacked up on high end gear. Then Ubisoft nerfs the drop rate, and the players who didn't reach the endgame fast enough have to scrape by with 1-2 PCs per named elite, resulting in a huge power gap between players, and increasing the pointless grind exponentially. The Dark Zone is pitiful. There is nothing fun about killing the same enemies over and over again with pitiful results for rewards. This only leaves the PvP, but there is no incentive to go rogue, so the arra is always dead . You get about 2400 credits (dark zone credits, not phoenix. This is a very low number) for survivng manhunt. Meanwhile for [b]dying[/b] on manhunt. A guy lost [b]135000[/b] dark zone credits, and lost enough xP to rank down [b]3[/b] times. When a mechanic that is [b]working as intended[/b] makes you lose [b]3-4 hours[/b] worth of work, there is a problem. And where do I even start on challenge mode. The Divison already has ridiculous bullet sponges for a shooter, but challenge mode literally turns [b]every enemy [/b] into a [b]level 32 elite[/b]. I have never seen such a widespread use of artificial difficulty in a modern game. The average challenge mode takes 1h 30m. If i'm spending an hour and thirty minutes on activity, it should be because of challenging mechanics. I love how it forces you to be tactical, but this shouldn't be becuase [b]every enemy requires 3-6 magazines to down[/b] and that even the easiest enemy in the encounter can [b]easily wipe your enitre team if you aren't careful.[/b] And you said the firefights are random. That is a big bite of bullshit. Literally EVERY MOB in the game has a pre-determined spawn point and they rarely deviate from that area. If there are no enemies in an area, unless they were cleared out before, you will never come back to that area and see enemies Destiny had a terrible campaign, decent middle ground, and an exceptional endgame. Division has a decent campaign, terrible middle ground, and as of now, terrible endgame. That incursion better be as amazing as Vault of Glass, otherwise Division is going to drop.

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  • Bump

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  • Ubisoft took Destiny's wishlist and put it in a PS2's a horrible game.

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  • Spot on.

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  • Yeah, you're just mad your idol and your game are conflicting

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  • So I'm not necessarily arguing against the Division buuuuut you do realize the time you spent grinding Destiny was a huge factor with the boredom? The Division hasn't even been out a month. Give it time, give it time. Most had nothing but love for Destiny upon release as well, now look at it. And that was even despite the finished product we received not being what it was originally intended to be. See, this is why I don't do reviews or E3 or anything of the sort! Oh, here's a sneak peak to these games coming out "soon", but between now and their releases we will likely change mostly everything we showed you! I give games their space until they come out, I don't obsess over any release and watching for details usually leads to false info if you don't stay on informational releases. I hear about a game, ask for the release date, and that's it. If it interests me then, I get it when it drops.

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  • Sounds like you only really played PvE in Destiny. Everyone knew from day 1 that PvE was just a way to get better gear for PvP, where destiny really shines.

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  • Sounds like you really think Destiny PVP is "shiny" lmao, but the fact the game is admittedly unbalanced for the sake of gameplay is atrocious. They literally said they were changing this weapon stat and that weapon stat just because. And there has always been 3 to 4 main weapons every PvPwhore abuses, per "meta". The PvP in Destiny is [i]bad.[/i]

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  • [quote]Sounds like you only really played PvE in Destiny. Everyone knew from day 1 that PvE was just a way to get better gear for PvP, where destiny really shines.[/quote] That's gold there sonny

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  • 3
    [quote]better gear for PvP, [b][i]where destiny really shines[/i][/b].[/quote] Lol

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  • Dude, the gunplay in destiny is top notch. Weapon balance aside, the subclasses are interesting and hella fun to play, and all the guns just feel good to shoot. It's a top notch FPS in terms of look and feel, as well as the raw game mechanics like jumping/sliding/strafing. It just feels so smooth. No other game except maybe the Halo series even comes close.

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  • [quote]Dude, the gunplay in destiny is top notch. Weapon balance aside, the subclasses are interesting and hella fun to play, and all the guns just feel good to shoot. It's a top notch FPS in terms of look and feel, as well as the raw game mechanics like jumping/sliding/strafing. It just feels so smooth. No other game except maybe the Halo series even comes close.[/quote] Thats all destiny pretty much got over the division other than that division shyts on destiny .

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    Can't argue with that

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  • Everyone saying it's repetitive. Lol 2 years of destiny is what? Not repetitive? I'm loving the division. And many other games. Let me close with this "The only game that got me off of destiny....was destiny". It's a old scar now, I have memories of it, but I wish it wasn't there anymore.

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  • I think Joe was more down on the gameplay than the loot system you describe in your post. Doesn't sound great to me to be honest, particularly the Rogue system just seems dumb.

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  • Dark Zone /Rogue system for sure needs some changes.

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  • The rogue system only works in the dark zone, if you shoot someone who hasn't been considered rogue, you become rogue and a bounty is put on your head. (which you get if you survive the duration of the bounty, but if you die you lose dark zone xp) This kees players from continuously slaughtering people for no reason. Basically don't shoot people like a dick.

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  • I get that, still sounds crap.

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