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3/20/2016 5:44:14 AM
You can talk big but I have watched vids of people walking through some of the challenge guys with two well placed shots from high end marksman. Also saying you used an exploit doesn't help your story only agrees that you kinda rushed through things.

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  • Edited by Andrenden: 3/20/2016 5:53:28 AM
    [quote]You can talk big but I have watched vids of people walking through some of the challenge guys with two well placed shots from high end marksman. Also saying you used an exploit doesn't help your story only agrees that you kinda rushed through things.[/quote]No, it actually reaffirms my point that I'm on top of all the ins and outs. And there's no way they are two shorting challenge mode enemies. Enemies have too much life to do such a thing regardless. Also, you're cute watching videos. Tell me when you actually get to the big leagues and you'll know what you're talking about. I love those second hand opinions! Keep them coming.[spoiler]Seriously, your sniper would have to hit close to 500,000 for two shot even the shotgun enemies, who as shock troops are the least armored of the bunch.[/spoiler]

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  • Lol.. must superior can critical for about 390k, my bolt action high end can critical over 500k.

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  • Ah yes, and you crit every single shot right?

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  • You're obviously garbage. My dps is lower than yours and I can melt through yellow mobs, and put in work against named bosses, I'm challenge mode.

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  • [quote]You're obviously garbage. My dps is lower than yours and I can melt through yellow mobs, and put in work against named bosses, I'm challenge mode.[/quote]

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  • [quote]You're obviously garbage. My dps is lower than yours and I can melt through yellow mobs, and put in work against named bosses, I'm challenge mode.[/quote]Right, I'm garbage. Totally had to tell that last guy my life story when, ONCE AGAIN, I said the enemies were nothing but bullet sponges. Far more so than Destiny. If you want to get on my level with your lower dps then you are more than welcome to but the topic at hand was, "Are the enemies nothing but generic bullet sponges?" The answer is "Yes, Yes they are" now do you want to measure dick size next or do you get the point?

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  • No it just sounds like you're crying about challenge mode. Go shoot a boss in destiny with a primary and tell me he's not a bullet sponge. Go on, I'll wait.

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  • Edited by Andrenden: 3/20/2016 10:08:57 AM
    [quote]No it just sounds like you're crying about challenge mode. Go shoot a boss in destiny with a primary and tell me he's not a bullet sponge. Go on, I'll wait.[/quote]You apparently can't read. Challenge mode is where the bullet sponges appear in the way of "artificial difficulty", of course it'll be mentioned. But, and this is the kicker, you see where you told me to shoot a BOSS in Destiny? These are literally every enemy in Division. Imagine shooting the Devil Walker in Destiny, you're in no danger and he just takes awhile to kill. That's basically every single enemy is division challenge mode. A nonlethal bullet sponge.[spoiler]And if anyone is dying then they don't know how to use their abilities. It's so ridiculously easy to crowd control in that game. One guy can lock everything down by himself using the smoke Seeker Mine and the flash bang Sticky Grenade.[/spoiler]

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  • The enemies in challenge mode are very lethal, you must not have played the game very far lmfao if you want an easy mode game with bullet sponges, stay with destiny, a teens game. You obviously can't handle any other games.

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  • Edited by Andrenden: 3/20/2016 10:24:00 AM
    [quote]The enemies in challenge mode are very lethal, you must not have played the game very far lmfao if you want an easy mode game with bullet sponges, stay with destiny, a teens game. You obviously can't handle any other games.[/quote] Now I know you can't read... You know I have higher dps then you so you obviously read the post about me having literally [i]ALL[/i] the blueprints. Yet for some odd reason you think I haven't played much lol. Tell me, do you still die to shotgun waves? Do you not know how to crowd control? Disorient, Blind/Deaf, Burning will all stop enemies in their tracks for the duration of the effect. Seeker mine with the smoke mod covers Disorient, Flashbang sticky does Blind/Deaf, Incediary rounds will cover burn *If you even need it...* they spend their whole time just playing with themselves. It's not deadly. You do this to literally any enemy and they can't fight back. There's no diminish return on the crowd control, the enemies are stuck standing out of their cover so it's not like they are hard to shoot. There's no challenge. If you find it challenging then maybe you should play better.[spoiler]I find it funny that I say the enemies in challenge mode are nothing but bullet sponges and you think I'm complaining about challenge mode difficulty. Yet you're the one finding it even the slightest bit hard. It's not hard, it's tedious. Get better.[/spoiler]

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  • You no lifed the game and took advantage of the crazy PC drops, good for you. You sound like a bitter ex girlfriend or something lmfao I guess that's why you're trying your hardest to bash the game and compare it to destiny. Go back to destiny I heard they're giving you a free strike, I'm sure it will be full of revolutionary game mechanics, the best content, and the most challenging but not bullet spongey boss ever.

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  • Edited by Andrenden: 3/20/2016 10:36:30 AM
    [quote]You no lifed the game and took advantage of the crazy PC drops, good for you. You sound like a bitter ex girlfriend or something lmfao I guess that's why you're trying your hardest to bash the game and compare it to destiny. Go back to destiny I heard they're giving you a free strike, I'm sure it will be full of revolutionary game mechanics, the best content, and the most challenging but not bullet spongey boss ever.[/quote] Sounds like you ran out of responses to me. I shot you down point for point. You're as bad as the guy that tried to chime in when he's not even 30. Actually, you're worse because you ARE 30 and you still got shut down.[spoiler]Once again, you're still talking about bosses in Destiny being a bullet sponge. Let me know when Randal the Vandal is every single enemy in a strike and then you'll have Division Challenge mode enemies. Again, not lethal, just tedious. That's all I've ever said. The enemies are, by far, more of a bullet sponge than Destiny and you can't refute that point. The best you can do is insist I'm tearing down one game and trying to defend another. Because apparently facts can't be stated otherwise.[/spoiler]

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  • It's OK, you obviously no lifed the game and are mad that it didn't live up to your personal hype, so now you try to bash it on the forums lol you're complaining about bullet sponges with 150k dps, and I think they're fine with 120k lol you need to get better, or you can just stick to children's games.

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  • Check the Ubisoft forums. They say the same thing. Bye Felicia.

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  • Bye meg. Maybe you can go troll their forums now. I'm still laughing at 150k dps and still can't kill anything lmfao

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  • Edited by Andrenden: 3/20/2016 10:52:04 AM
    The funny thing is, you got salty about the possibility that I might defend Destiny on the, wait for it, [i]Destiny[/i] forums. But then you assume I just go to the Division forums and troll? You're a special kind of stupid. Were you dropped as a baby or are you just inbred?[spoiler]Don't answer that, I decided you were an inbred that was dropped.[/spoiler]

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  • Now we get to the root of the problem. You're a desticle that tried to play another game and now have to bash on it to try and keep what dwindling fan base they have left from leaving. It's OK kid, I'll let you get back to farming omnigul.

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  • Check the recent played buddy. I've been gone far longer than you have. If anyone is to hooked to Destiny in this situation it would be you not me...

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  • No I just have a few friends that ask for help occasionally. Idk if you have any friends, but I'm sure you can find some in this cess pool.

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  • Edited by Andrenden: 3/20/2016 11:08:13 AM
    So... Your friends are Desticles? Because you're the definition of a double standard right now. Tell your "friends" that they are bad for playing this game like you were so quick to judge me. That hypocrisy is pretty amazing sometimes.[spoiler]And now I'm leaving for real. No reason to keep talking to someone who just got cornered like that.[/spoiler]

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  • If they defend destiny as much as you and try to bash other games then yes I'll tell them the same thing. Someone who no lifed on the division but talks so much shit about it? Yeah, the hypocrisy is crazy on these forums lmao

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  • Also stop whining about a challenge being just that if you could walk through it then it isn't a challenge. Seriously some of you guys today are a joke rushed gamer kids needing participation ribbons and cheats to do well.

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  • Edited by Andrenden: 3/20/2016 6:18:40 AM
    You're trying to deflect the point lol I didn't whine about the difficulty but they ARE bullet sponges. You can't deny that. The fact you still haven't hit 30 shows you don't even know what you're talking about. It's not rushing to hit level 30. It's like hitting level 20 was in vanilla Destiny. [spoiler]This guy ran away. Hadn't hit 30 and yet felt his opinion was more valid than someone whose actually done it. I'm all for opinions but you need to know what you're talking about before speaking it. He also tried to change the topic to a "complaint about difficulty" when all that was mentioned was enemies are, in fact, giant bullet sponges. Not hard enemies, just soak damage for little to no risk.[/spoiler]

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  • No this guy has a life and you honestly are complaining. They are not bullet sponges akin to destiny. You clearly don't understand bullet sponge. Me not rushing to 30 like you to complain there is no endgame content is my choice but doesn't in anyway invalidate my opinion. Valus was a bullet sponge heck every boss in destiny is a bullet sponge how many have been tweaked. Also when you edit your posts and put your spoilers do make sure you date the edit.

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  • Edited by Andrenden: 3/20/2016 8:04:36 PM
    Why date the edit? It's listed on the post itself...[spoiler]Edited this post so that you can see. Posts tell you the last time they were altered.[/spoiler]

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