It was good for what it was but got stale quick end game dark zone is a mess no1 goes rouge so i just run around killing everyone no one pvp's they could of added some pvp modes like king of the hill. Tdm . vip escort etc etc
How Tf are you people endgame already????
I was level 10 doin level 20 missions with my friends who are level 20 i was ranking up 3 ranks at a time u can carry low levels to rank them up quick but end game is the dark zone and its crap so ur not missing much till they fix it
See that's your fault entirely. You can't rush something then complain it's too short. And second yeah they didn't add the real endgame stuff yet that's coming in a week or two...... Just like destiny
Im not i enjoyed it done every mission/hard too,side missions,encounters but i dont enjoy the dark zone as no one goes rouge or fights eachother because u lose more