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Edited by irishfreak: 3/20/2016 1:55:13 PM

Angry Joe rated destiny higher than the division!

Division is turning out to be not so good after all :)

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  • Wow the division got bad ratings? Didn't see that coming from a mile away. This is Watch Dogs all over.

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  • So just because one person rated the division low, my opinion should be directly affected by this. I'll make my own mind up about division thank you very much. Bloody get everywhere and follow anyone.

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    9 Replies
    • The game is super fun. I'll play Destiny until it's done and over with but that doesn't make the Division a bad game lol. I love trolling the Dank Zone, and grinding for better stuff!

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    • The hype died about a week before it launched. Once it did launch, it got even worse. Less verity than Destiny. End game is the same as early game except enemies have more health. 3rd Person is not what most people wanted to see. Bosses are just normal enemies that are bigger bullet sponges than Y1 Destiny bosses. Every enemy is the same.

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      55 Replies
      • Its all opinion not competing on which game is better it depends on the person I like teamwork and tactics so I like division I like destiny for the raids and time passing.

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      • At least Ubisoft will actually put content out to fix it...

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      • Honestly, I've never watched an Angry Joe review. Anger is an emotion, and I've got [b]no[/b] time for those who are a slave to their emotions.

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        30 Replies
        • I'm fine with the low scores early on it will make Ubisoft take the feedback on board and hopefully improve upon what they have built I for one have been enjoying the division so far

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        • Edited by C-Sentinel: 3/20/2016 6:02:11 AM
          I enjoy the game, but honestly the endgame is a mess. You had players who were getting 15-17 phoenix credits per named elite, farmed the shit out of the them and stacked up on high end gear. Then Ubisoft nerfs the drop rate, and the players who didn't reach the endgame fast enough have to scrape by with 1-2 PCs per named elite, resulting in a huge power gap between players, and increasing the pointless grind exponentially. The Dark Zone is pitiful. There is nothing fun about killing the same enemies over and over again with pitiful results for rewards. This only leaves the PvP, but there is no incentive to go rogue, so the area is always lifeless and uninteresting. I watched Angry Joe's review. His friend got 2400 credits (dark zone credits, not phoenix. This is a very low number) for survivng manhunt. Meanwhile for [b]dying[/b] on manhunt. A guy lost [b]135000[/b] dark zone credits, and lost enough xP to rank down [b]3[/b] times. When a mechanic that is [b]working as intended[/b] makes you lose [b]3-4 hours[/b] worth of work, there is a problem. And where do I even start on challenge mode. The Divison already has ridiculous bullet sponges for a shooter, but challenge mode literally turns [b]every enemy [/b] into a [b]level 32 elite[/b]. I have never seen such a widespread use of artificial difficulty in a modern game. The average challenge mode takes 1h 30m. If i'm spending an hour and thirty minutes on activity, it should be because of challenging mechanics. I love how it forces you to be tactical, but this shouldn't be becuase [b]every enemy requires 3-6 magazines to down[/b] and that even the easiest enemy in the encounter can [b]easily wipe your enitre team if you aren't careful.[/b] Destiny had a terrible campaign, decent middle ground, and an exceptional endgame. Division has a decent campaign, terrible middle ground, and as of now, terrible endgame. That incursion better be as amazing as Vault of Glass, otherwise Division is going to drop.

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          5 Replies
          • Oh he is just a blind Desticle Only true gamers can see the glory that is Rainbow Six..., excuse me I mean SOCOM wait that isn't right either...I mean "The Multiplaction" wait, that isn't right either?

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            2 Replies
            • Peoples opinions tend to be biased

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            • Everyone has different points of view. Just because this one guy doesn't like TCTD doesn't mean it's a bad game. Personally, I love the game and play style. In many ways it's very similar to destiny, but both games have their odds and ends. For example, the destiny boss fights are definitely better than The Division. However the Divisions loot system and PVP idea (Dark Zone) are better.

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              5 Replies
              • No idea what an angry joe is. Also i dont need some butt nugget to tell me which games i should and shouldnt play.

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                1 Reply
                • Oh no one person doesn't like it, it must suck. Guess I should sell my copy, despite having plenty of fun currently, because someone who has a different opinion than me says it's no good. Damn.

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                • 1
                  Dude is a fat loud mouth who markets himself towards the lowest common denominator

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                • Im not gonna watch this but your comparing apples and oranges not only is the division a different game it is also very early in its life cycle. Destinys been out for 1+ years

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                • Hooray now we know destiny is a lesser piece of shit than the devision. What a great victory guardians.

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                • This guy Still around? I like both games. A lot.

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                • So to all destiny haters What game is gonna kill Destiny next?

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                  16 Replies
                  • Uhhhhhhhh that guy liked star wars battle front soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo your point here?

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                    1 Reply
                    • Like it or not he is 100% right. Division is tremendously lackluster. I think at this point the grind of farming has been over developed into games. Most of us need another way to enjoy how a game evolves without grinding the same b.s. enemies over and over for loot. Gamers these days need rewards!? I remember when saving the princess was enough reward because the "game" was good. Not the rewards!!!

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                    • Edited by ItsAPenguin: 3/20/2016 2:09:30 PM
                      Meh. Zoolander only has a 64% positive rating on rotten tomatoes. Which means 36% of the critics counted gave it a negative review for some reason. I still think it's the best movie ever...probably much better than Zootopia, which has a 99% positive rating. To each their own and whatnot.

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                      1 Reply
                      • Lol @ OP for using angry joe as a source.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Both The Division and Destiny suck.

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                          • [b] [/b]

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                            • He's A Joke. He's in the pocket of Big Bungie

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