Division is turning out to be not so good after all :)
Angry joe has been widely known to hate MMO RPGs. So his opinion on these types of games are so irrelevant
That's his opinion. At the end of the day, people will rate games however they want.
Metacritic (the real aggregate), not some loud mouth, no skilled player. Says otherwise.
Everyone has their own opinion of the game, some people have lower standards
The review is basically the same review I gave it after the betas.
Who dat?
Division is a solid game. I'm loving it right now and at the same time looking forward to Mlb the show and Destiny's April update. It is allowed for people to play more than one game.
The division is good, game isn't bad because of some review. Just means that person wasn't keen, like people absolutely hate destiny. Opinions are just that
Who? Lmao
Biggest problem on the division is no endgame content, right now we have dark zone that is not that fun and challenge mode, we have to see what those incursions are
Just like Fallout 4 big letdown.
He made a lot of good points. I fully wanted the Division to learn from Destiny's mistakes and realize its potential, but unfortunately it seems like a modern game developer culture to make this entirely epic game, then split it into DLC's. Which honestly I could be fine with, if the content you got at launch was meaningful. With both Destiny and The Division, they seem to have sold us a copy of the game that they diced up and didn't really actually play test. We love good looking games, don't get me wrong, however when more development time goes into how that sunset in the background refracts light off the water than the actual GAMEPLAY AND LOOT of your game, things are just backwards in priority. I'll take lesser graphics in The Division of that means that endgame isn't a joke, and they adjust the rogue system to not take away 140k credits when you die, then only give you 2k when you survive a full manhunt. That's laughable. I'll take lesser graphics in destiny if it means getting some great guns, and a meaningful PVE experience l, not just pedestrian copy and paste jobs like we have now.
Hai Dex!
I'm not trying to sound in denial, because I know the division isn't what everyone made it out to be. But this is one guys opinion, I'm sure there have been plenty of post today where people shared their opinion about destiny. If they said something about it or gave it a low amount of stars would you be like "well shit, this guy doesn't really like the game. It's not good after all"?
That's cause the division is hot garbage
A man on the internet gave two different games two different ratings? Hmm... well I guess I better agree with him instead of forming my own opinion.
I don't get how anyone could even compare the division to destiny in the first place - let's puts rpg and loot and raids aside for a second: Destiny is one of the best, if not [i]the[/i] best fps out there, it looks great and the guns are full of character, they feel beautiful to shoot. The division could be compared to GTA but without all that.... fun. It's more like the unintended outcome of a drunken night with watchdogs but the vehicles got taken out and you can play with other people to make the missions less of a grind. People said the division would kill destiny. The free update for destiny is getting more attention than the division in its [b]first month!![/b]
He did that back in 2014/early 2015 didn't he?
Angry Joe gets a 10/10 rating on my fat, angry virgin scale.
In my opinion anyone with the name angry in their name making a review video should just be ignored lol too much salt review
What? angry joe was critical of a game!? No! he never does that! Nearly every video he does is a rant video, that's why his name is angry joe! Yeah, I know I'm stating the obvious, but I feel it's needed here lol. Angry joe is not a reviewer to take seriously.
Well yeah it is better
I agree with him. The game just ended up like Destiny. I still like it and will play it like I did with Destiny but really disappointed.
Angry Joe is kind of full of salt
It was good for what it was but got stale quick end game dark zone is a mess no1 goes rouge so i just run around killing everyone no one pvp's they could of added some pvp modes like king of the hill. Tdm . vip escort etc etc
He gave halo a 6 same as destiny for the sole reason of it having micro transactions.