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Edited by irishfreak: 3/20/2016 1:55:13 PM

Angry Joe rated destiny higher than the division!

Division is turning out to be not so good after all :)

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  • [spoiler]MAN DADDY[/spoiler]

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  • [quote]Division is turning out to be not so good after all :)[/quote] Who is he though? Some lame youtuber who cant play for shit ,ost of the games i seen him play. He gets no points he a trash player so cant respect his opinion

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    • According to Joe's opinion, yeah, if you prefer not to have you own experience and just do what others tell you to do, then yeah don't play it, the division is the game that has delivered the most fun for me since battlefield 3 in previous gen so yeah I love Joe but I just don't see all the flaws he mentions or If I see them I don't care for them

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    • How does someone else's opinion make the game better or worse?

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      3 Replies
      • 1
        You criticise a game because you like it and want to see it get better [spoiler]response to all fanboys[/spoiler]

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      • I like to form my own opinions becuase [spoiler]disposable income bitches [/spoiler]

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      • *Prepares laser face* Does anyone care what this -blam!- thinks? I don't remember the election for game reviewer who holds the most weight. How about you form your own opinion and let this guy who overhypes everything yell at a camera.

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      • Edited by Mr Awesome 0ne: 3/20/2016 1:56:38 PM
        I enjoy Angry Joe's reviews, but he is FLAT OUT WRONG, the Division is excellent - almost Great. His opinion though, so take it for what it's worth. Just like this is my opinion below. Anyone saying that The Division it is repetitive compared to Destiny...have you played Destiny in the last 16 months? I have had to run the KF raid 66 TIMES to try and get one F'n helmet, which I still have not. That's the EPITOME of repetitive. How about all the people posting their hours upon hours of farming for the Grasp of Malok in the Omnigul strike, or people trying to get Taniks' cloak for hours and hours, or the ship from the Black Spindle mission? DESTICLES, I used to be one of you, 55 days played, almost 2,000 hours. TAKE YOUR F'N blinders OFF. Sure, the Raids have some mechanics to them, jump here, jump there. Stand here, stand there. But do strikes? Nope. The Division's Raid/Incursions has not even been released yet, time-gated, so everyone has the chance to get to MAX lvl so they can participate. Much like Destiny did. Nobody has any ideas what an Incursion will be like, probably going to be some mechanics involved. [u][b]***Portion in regards to Helicopter Mission was removed for inaccuracy, I don't want to give mis-information***[/b][/u] Don't even get me started on loot drops. I received six, SIX legendaries from that Daily mission alone, all of which were useful to me. And if they weren't I could, OMG REROLL them! What a thought. My friends and I started off with 3 of us playing the Division last Wednesday. Last night there were 10 of us, and ALL of us love it. That's 10 players right there all former Destiny players who loved it. Not liked it, not just passing the time, loved it. No to mention the numerous Orange dots all over my map that are PLAYERS on my friends list that were not in our party. One dude playing Destiny and he is a Trials whore. Give me the Bullet sponges all day, cause the fire-fights are always different in the Division, I have no idea where anything or what will Spawn in an area, besides the DZ, where even there, different enemies spawn the majority of the time at a location. But, you guys keep killing your Dregs, or waiting for a couple Yellow Hive to spawn in an old basement to get your Bounties done. I'll be shootin' and lootin' even if behind cover, in the Division for loot I actually need, and will use. EDIT - 2 - Angry Joe's assessment of the Dark Zone was pretty spot on, it absolutely needs some help.

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        51 Replies
        • *sees title* Huh *sees it has over 1k replies* Oh dear god, their assholes are getting -blam!-ed inside out

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        • I lost all respect for angry Joe after that review. 1. His intro is not true at all. You do get actual loot from bosses, which he hated on in destiny how you didn't, but the division gives actual loot and he STILL hates it? 2. All he does for these types of games is looks at the 2-3 year old trailers of the game and excepts everything to not change. Seriously? 3. I watched his streams and I guess he doesn't know about fast travel. 4. He doesn't explore ANYTHING in the DZ unless it's a chest right in front of his face. No wonder you hate the DZ. 5. Rogue and High-End drops have already changed, making his rogue point invalid. 6. Even though there isn't an amazing story, it is still better than destinys especially since it's not all on an online website. 7. Towards his final streams, he still didn't have that much good loot. Making his review biased. I could keep going on this rant but my point is his review is just one little biased piece of crap. That's the simplest way to put it.

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          6 Replies
          • I honestly don't care nor do I have the attention span to sit through his videos........

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          • Here come the "angry joe is a joke" comments. I just think he's brutally honest. Which makes fanboys cry :)

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            6 Replies
            • Why is everyone losing their minds because Angry Joe decided he wasn't much of a fan of the game?

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            • Edited by shell: 3/23/2016 7:16:07 PM
              Who the f[b]u[/b]ck cares, they both suck. More importantly, why does his opinion matter?

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            • I respect Joe but there were a few things his disliked about the divison because he either didn't understand it, or just had bad luck. I mean, his intro is a joke about the Division dropping only cosmetic items... when in fact the opposite is true.

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            • Angry Joe hated every game hint: [b]Angry[/b] Joe

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              • Bad Reviewer. Wait no.... *Filthy Casual Reveiwer. But that's all YouTube channels who review games. [spoiler]I agree with the opinion though.[/spoiler]

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              • Division is an awesome pve game, the enemies and areas are pretty much the same so there isn't that kind of depth, but it has a cool story and plays decent. It isn't as intimate as destiny is though, and it doesn't have organized pvp like destiny. I couldn't get into it but I like pvp

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                2 Replies
                • And? That's his opinion

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                  11 Replies
                  • Not so good? Because one fat idiot rated a half assed, shitty excuse for an MMORPG higher than the Division? LOL

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                    5 Replies
                    • Edited by wojo55: 3/22/2016 9:53:00 PM
                      After playing destiny,the division, diablo 3 I'm finally realizing that I don't like loot/grind based games at all. They bore me so much. I don't know when I developed this distaste for them. Grinding didn't used to bother me. I mean played runescape in my teen years from 2001 to about 2006 and enjoyed it. Oh well

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                    • This article was posted 3/21/16 The Division is Officially Xbox One's Most Popular Game

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                      • I think all of his points are valid. The game is spectacularly average. It's serviceable but does nothing special.

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                        7 Replies
                        • I don't get these posts. Who cares. Two separate games that people can enjoy. I watched the review and while he had valid points he also had some points I disagree with. These posts are dumb and getting old to read about. Enjoy the game you're playing.

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                          5 Replies
                          • I would not take ahyone called angryjoe even remotely sirious... and i heard he does it in a rage filled style, hence the name... If your trying to review a game try to be sirious and openminded dont try to entertaim there is no place for that in a review.

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                            7 Replies
                            • Not saying division is perfect, but at the state destiny is now I don't think it's better than the division.

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