Your willful ignorance is cute. I have plenty of awesome, INTELLIGENT gay friends who would laugh at a shitpost like this. Seriously...she brought up aids? How the duck is a ducking DISEASE going to oppress someone? She said that more LGBT people have it. Okay??? Wtf does that have to do with their rights? Like I said: 40% Actual facts, 60% bullshit.
"I can say that, I have _______ friends" -Every bigot ever.
Yeah except nothing I said makes me a bigot. FOH.
Dang you're so edgy, why don't you just make a spoof shitpost that moc- Oh You already did. I'm not surprised.
Your saltiness at my joke doesn't make her post any less shitty.
[quote]Your saltiness at my joke doesn't make her post any less shitty.[/quote] You can say salty all you want, but I wasn't the one who was typing so fast I said ducking instead of fuc[i][/i]king. Nice try, but you're just [i]terrible[/i] at this. Maybe if you took your nap you'll actually have a chance at irritating me.
And HOLE-LEE shit you are arrogant as -blam!-. [i]I might have a chance at irritating you?[/i] Seriously get off your own freaking nutsack. You're not important enough for me to care about irritating after only interacting with you for 5 minutes.
[quote]And HOLE-LEE shit you are arrogant as -blam!-. [i]I might have a chance at irritating you?[/i] Seriously get off your own freaking nutsack. You're not important enough for me to care about irritating after only interacting with you for 5 minutes.[/quote] >Calls me salty >Doesn't realize every reply of his is composed of about 90% Sodium Chloride Bruh, you're making the other 12 year olds look like they're 13
You can't play it off, you already fuc[i][/i]ked up
I literally have no idea what you're talking about.
[quote]I literally have no idea what you're talking about.[/quote] Dang I must've goofed, you're actually 2 years old because you can't remember anything since your hippocampus hasn't developed. I give you props for being able to use a keyboard.
This conversation has reached a level of idiocy even I don't have the patience to entertain.
Yeah, you're comments were pretty stupid, Idk even know how I was able to entertain you for [i]this[/i] long. Must be that short attention span.
Just so you know, the hippocampus primarily handles [i]long term[/i] memory. Just thought you should know for the next time you try to sound smart on the internet.
Awh, look at you trying to sound smart but had to Google what a hippocampus does. But being as brainless as you were you read "long term" and immediately quit reading You:0 Short attention span: 2
Edited by Lil Durk: 3/18/2016 11:40:02 PMI know that from taking classes and learning about it. Feel free to keep reinforcing your incompetence though.
Well obviously your hippocampus isnt working since you can't remember that it's long term and short term it works with But when you're the kid in the class that was too busy playing with himself in the back left desk, I guess you don't often remember much.
I'd tell you to Google "prefrontal cortex," but you probably won't. You'd rather stick to petty insults to look cool on the internet. That's fine too.
I can also Google hentai but doesn't mean I feel like doing it now since I already know about it
You give the LGBT a bad name. You're like the Westboro Baptist Church for gays.
>[i]looks back at previous replies[/i] That burn would hold some weight if I actually said I supported them or even said my gender That's all you got Come on, quit fapping to your own comments and make me take you seriously as much as you take dick in your ass
Lol well if you've spent all this time White Knighting for Anomaly, and you don't support her cause, good on you I guess. If you [i]do[/i] support that cause, then I feel sorry for them.
I never even said I supported anomaly You need to get that [i]brain[/i] fixed of yours since you're having trouble remembering this conversation [spoiler]Would've said hippocampus but that partially offends you[/spoiler]
[quote]Valid and interesting thread >[i]Still flooded by edgy 12 year olds[/i][/quote] K. So you didn't say you supported her, specifically. You simply said the thread was "valid and interesting." Either way, whether you were defending her, the merit of the thread itself, or merely the LGBT community, you failed miserably. If you were supporting none of these things, and merely trolling, then congrats. Idk what you win but congrats.