Which bathroom could these girls use?
I'll give you a hint[spoiler]One is transgender[/spoiler]
I'll give you another hint [spoiler]You wouldn't even know that had I not mentioned it[/spoiler]
Depends on which was born a man
But which one would you step in the way of if they all made a beeline for the restroom? Or can you not tell and only suspect one is trans because I told you?
Oh I didn't really look at the picture at first but in real life the hands always give it away, so I would look at the girls hands. If I had to guess I can't see 4's hand so I would guess that. 2 and 5 look shifty as well but I can't really see it. But yeah I suspect that because we are currently discussing transvestites.
Edited by LowIQPlayz3445: 3/18/2016 8:33:07 PMOk, but at this point you're using appearance as your reason, however you can't use "they looked transgender" as a reason in a court of law. And legally they don't have to show you or the police any sort of ID unless being convicted of a crime(except some states do force people do provide ID when requested). And again, you can't accuse someone of a crime just based off their hand size. Furthermore, are you really suggesting that one of these five will cause [b]less[/b] commotion if they use the men's restroom? So, what'll it be?
Edited by Oak_Khan: 3/18/2016 8:43:41 PMWell no the current law is simple, a man is it allowed in a female restroom. This applies to people born a man or woman and what you express yourself as isn't considered in the law. My argument is that it should stay this way to avoid future cases of harassment. If work at a restaurant and I see a man dressed as a woman walk into the female restroom I can legally intercept it. Oh sorry on your question, if one of those girls walked into a men's restroom, even if it was extremely obvious to whoever saw it that it was a man it will still cause mild commotion. The same for if it was a transvestite dressed as a man going into the female restroom.
Ok, but my point is that if you are born a guy and then undergo treatment and surgery to become a girl, you should be able to use the woman's restroom. Although the law where I am allows transgender people to use whichever bathroom they prefer. It's been that way for a month. No ones been assaulted, no ones been harassed. My life hasn't changed in any way.
Lool how would someone working at a restaurant tell if someone truly is a transvestite or a pervert looking to watch women? Lmao are they going check ID's at restrooms now? I mean they are a millions of cases of this happening already, the difference being that a lot of them were caught fast because someone saw something that wasn't right with what is obviously a man stepping into a woman's restroom. If you make it legal for someone to use whatever bathroom they please then you lose the quick reaction time.
[quote]millions of cases[/quote] I'm calling bs. Source please.
Lmao bro google it, the first page of Google will give you plenty, let me try and see if anyone has compiled it over 10 years.
Ok, but even if there were millions of said cases, why should innocent people have to give up their right to use the bathroom that correlates to their gender. And that said, tons of people die every year due to gun violence, and yet we don't take away everyone's guns. Just because, supposedly, [i]millions[/i] of cases of this exist in whatever time frame you're using (you never did specify), we should now make bathroom laws super strict? That seems a tad backwards, don't you think? People dying? No big deal. People being creepy? Aw hell no we gotta put a stop to that ASAP.
Lmao good point, but the difference between guns and transvestites is that one can be easily identified. But I agree with you, gun control needs to be stricter and the laws already in place need to be more enforced.
I'm honestly unsure whether you mean the guns or transvestites when you say one is easily spotted, but Id disagree on either.
It's hard to tell what a gun is?
Not always. There's just easy ways to conceal guns.