It would be so easy to implement and would be something that could be a challenge depending on what the modifiers are. Lets be honest, most of the 315-320 players can do the raid in their sleep with a competent fireteam. Adding this might spice things up a bit and add another way people could get that last item they need to reach 320.
Bump or change the 320 artifacts some weeks to shells/class armour. Maybe even edit the challenge mode slightly to change what drops.
No! That's what the regular nightfall should be.
I think they should make a 310 NF (current light level till raised in april then raise it accordingly) Make it like the old style where you wipe it an orbit return. Then make the bosses drop all legendary gear only at 300-320. and the rewards for completion are 310+ but the modifers are 6 of them instead of and gaurteed of fresh troops and epic.
That's how the nightfall should be actually :( It's sad that It's not there anymore, and it now drops (mostly) useless stuff. Rep is good to have now though, but with no exp bonus is like meh.
I agree with you. After April 12th it would be good to up thise rewards to 320-330 though.
Truth. Making the NF harder would be a welcome challenge provided the rewards are scaled appropriately. It's this last part that Bungie has issues with.
You're bitching on the Raid being easy with a competent team yet are implying a single strike would not?
I'd love it. The last two weeks the modifiers have made it increasing challenging to complete, making a purple vanguard shell all the more salty.
not 310 to 320... rather 315-320... because that's what people need. We're all above 310 by now, well probably most of us...
Does nightfall completely block out people without the required light level ? If not then then you know people will abuse this Get 5 guild friends to carry their lowbie character through for that guaranteed epic drop. Rinse and repeat each weak and you turn a fresh level 40 to max light in a month of little work