People aren't mad that there's new content.
People are mad that Bungie calls this a "live" game and it took them 7 months to implement any real "new content".
I think people have a right to be upset it took them this long because of what Bungie itself claims it is.
They can make changes any time they want and it took them over half a year to make any that anyone would consider worthy of being hyped about.
I like the idea of people who just can't for the life of them take a break from destiny
If people like a video game more than any other, why wouldn't they play the one they like most?
That's very true, but then people complain the game is stale and there isn't any new content. Back like 10 years ago you didn't get extra content all the time. You got the game and played it until you didn't want to. Wanting to play a game but considering it stale and lifeless is a bit of a contradiction don't you think?
If you refer to my original post, the real reason is because it is a "live" game. Bungie always says in their updates "we're listening to player feedback to improve on the game, we're listening" or something along those lines. The gaming industry has changed and expectations are higher. Competition is to blame for that, so is the ever changing, fast paced, digital world. So no, I don't think calling a "live" game stale and lifeless is a contradiction. I think it is a valid complaint.
I meant the players looking at it as not a "live" game.... You know I think we're looking at this from two different perspectives
Players that don't look at this as a live game are kidding themselves tbh. That is exactly what it is.
I look back on the pre-release destiny: "we are making a persistent world, a world people will keep coming back to" damn if they haven't accomplished their goal. In any event, I don't know about you, but whenever I get tired of the game, I take a break for like half a month and come back excited to play some stuff
I'm not taking away from the fact Bungie has accomplished their goal. They made a great game. Best FPS ever made imo. But when people reach their goal, the next step is to make more goals that stretch their limits. It seems like they accomplished their goal and then said, "Good job guys. Take a vaca. We'll reconvene in 3 months". I have also taken small breaks from Destiny and agree it's fine to play other games. But Bungie hyped this game up to be something that no one has ever tried before on console. In my opinion, they did well at the start, but then it's like their forgot to set new goals. Just an opinion though.
Whenever I hit my goals, like collecting all the exotics, I made a new goal for max grimoire. Now I'm going for exotic class items and fun, you doing anything right now? And from what I see, bungie tried the small update every now and then with events approach but they couldn't make enough content for each event to keep us happy (or at least semi-happy, some of us are never happy). Since they had already reorganized their DLC approach they are...........well from here it depends on what the rest of the content is. If they update the old stuff, they're trying to appease us They could be trying to put out some content from what would have been the vex void Or destiny 2 may be taking longer to make than expected, just like destiny 1, in which case, the switch to microtransactions away from the DLC is damage control to try and spread out the content as much as they can to fill the gaps so they can keep the world persisting