I also have an xb1 and 360.
Uncharted and last of us are better 3rd person gane than any that xbox have.
I'm guessing you have never played gears then
I've played all of them and will play 4 whrn it comes out. I never said go was a bad game. Just that ps has better 3rd person games. Have you not played uncharted or the last of us?
I don't have a PS but I've seen gameplay of them, but I'm pretty sure they don't have replayability like gears does
They Def do. Uncharted has a multiplayer as well. You should go buy a ps4 and play them for yourself.
I don't really want a PS though, I like my Xbox controller :3
Well your in luck ps has a controlled that is the exact same as an xbox controller online now lol.
I don't like the thumbsticks
No I mean they have an xbox controller for ps now lol. The exact same controller just for ps
Oh, well that's neat, but I like Xbox just because I have always had one
Just get a PS4 already. I play only Xbone exclusives on Xbone, everything else I play on PS4.
Lol I understand man I'm just busting you chops