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3/18/2016 12:26:13 PM
Wow all of these people with this " It's unnatural to be LGBT because you cant reproduce" crap lol. For one if I wanted reproduce I could by using my sperm. I don't have to have sex with a women. Also quit acting like you purposely have sex to purposely have children. I mean really?!?! Really? And how do you know if it's unnatural or not. Last time I checked I was created by natural means so....Furthermore I'm pretty sure nature has a way of taking care of itself. I mean just think for a fuking minute: If everyone on the planet earth was straight could you imagine the overpopulation? Didn't think about that huh? Nature has an IQ of 1,000,000 it's nowhere near dumb enough to let something like that happen. I also think that there are people who are simply suppossed to produce and those that aren't. That's where you all (straight) and my kind (LGBT) come in. Just one last thing some of you really need to do some research on STDs and that's all I have to say about that lol. It's kinda funny how you all call it a mental illness. You want a mental illness? Here you go: Homophobia Homophobia is a disease which affects the entire society. Though the American Psychological Association has proclaimed that it is no more abnormal to be gay or lesbian than it is to be left-handed, people are still fearful about it. Common symptoms include: Homophobes try to avoid people have who same sex preferences. Being around them brings out a fear or disgust response in the phobics: shaking, sweating, and the desire to flee or even anger or hatred. Many homophobes display violence towards these people. They feel such men and women are either abnormal (sick) or immoral (sinful). People who are themselves LGBTQs try to change their sexual orientation or desperately try to deny or change what they feel. Many end up committing suicide due extreme fear. Homophobia thus hurts the entire society by suppressing creativity and expression –it only locks people into rigid gender based roles. It can stigmatize families, children and those who have and haven’t come out about their orientation. It can keep vital information away from children and teenagers-information which is necessary in this age of HIV and AIDS. The phobic often drives a person to marry heterosexuals which then adds to the stress. Such a marriage is not only traumatic for the homosexual but also to their kids and spouses. The prejudice or fear of homosexuals demeans these people while making the society unsafe for everyone. [b]If this sounds like you then please for the sake of your own sanity if not for the safety of the LGBT (we should actually be afraid of you or rather for you) get some help you need it.[/b]

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