Too long. The competitive scene needs a lil push to help grow hype for Destiny 2 simallar to what mlg halo 1 did for halo 2 and 3.
It's strong business move. Open customs now bungie or clan v clan. ASAP!!!
That's the reason they stayed away from private games. They wanted to stay clear of mlg. But I couldn't agree with you more. I honestly can't wait for custom games but it will take a lot of programming to design so I wouldn't expect it until the next major DLC, which in this case would be destiny 2
That competitive population may not not be majority but does exist in all games and destiny does attract a lot of Competitve players. It's helps the game grow and stars are made in the competitive scene amabasodors for the game. Same as cod who have zombies and and social pvp and competitive tourney scene.