Destiny is a great game. ..period... butt hurt kids whining doesn't get us new content we want. ..deserve. ..and are willing to pay for... the division kicks ass too.. for a 3rd person game it's great. . I'm just happy there are two co_op games the clan and I can enjoy destroying. . Between the 2 grinds and content drops over the next year.. The FxKin Best has 2 great games to destroy together. .we have played together for years. . Some of us 10 FxKin years.. I can't remember 2 great co_op games hitting at the same time or within years of each other Hopefully content drops are staggered.. and bungie doesn't intentionally drop same day as ubi does.. even if they do ... STOP HATING. . JUST ENJOY GAMING.. U KIDS ARE LUCKY... how many of you have ever been to a Lan party? Try dragging a TV and your original xbox to friends house to play halo. .. hell who even knows what this code does... up up down down left right left right A B start ...
It's called freedom of speech