Why give benefit for being dead/bad? I think its fair if u die, who ever killed u has the benefit then
Edited by BETn_2_frame: 3/17/2016 11:16:19 AMIm guessing you like scoping dead ghosts with your 1000-yard stare. Playing enough pvp in Destiny I learned your not bad if you get simply outplayed, destiny is a run n' gun that relize on muscle reaction and who can land more head shots, grenades, ext. Sniping off of rez is unfair and takes little "SKILL" to do. If ask enough pvp players you will receive the answer of it being cowerd move. I rez snipe and this may make me a hypocrite but it needs to be fixed.
Edited by Acadech: 3/17/2016 7:22:19 PMI use more low impact snipers and sidearms but its fair to be rez sniped cos u already fuk up then. And it would be overpowered to have a immunity for long if u dont shoot, think if u and ur enemy both use shotgun, u are rezed, enemy cant shoot u cos of immunity but u can shoot him, it wouldnt be fair. Its fine how it is now, dont try to make it better cos all u do is make it worse with this