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originally posted in: If you could lead America...
3/17/2016 5:42:54 AM
Ild switch from petroleum to ethanol and methanol based fuels for transportation; Convert the entire US power industry to solar and wind farming Ild start taking ocean water and convert it to drinking water/fresh water: send water (as in lakes of the stuff) to drought areas; provide fresh water for the entire world for free to the consumers Start farming chlorella (algae you can convert into astronaught food or methanol fuel) then give it away Pull all soldiers away from the oil security industry and put them to work helping developing nations+ countries with out armies to defend themselves. Then send mining colony volunteers to the moon, mars and the asteroid belt (6months out 6months back in shifts for the moon and certain asteroid crews) Build an orbital fueling and receiving space station Build an orbital solar power array (you could power the entire planet off of such a power plant) And launch all nuclear waste and nuclear arms (disarmed and dismantled) to be disintegrated into the sun's coronhesphere. And bomb the cr4p outa any nation or group who stood in the way of all this being accomplished.

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  • Then go colonize and mine all planets to make Dyson sphere around the sun (search up Dyson sphere on Google. Pretty cool)

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  • Meh if you box the sun in; you doom the planets on their environments kinda The gas giants we could send probes an lay ground work for colonization of some moons but; The gas giants themselves have far too much radiation in their magnetospheres for any kind of colonies to exist on many of their moons or in orbit of the gas giant itself.

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  • What I mean is to strip material from planets to make said Dyson sphere. Making the Dyson sphere could provide almost infinite energy since the sun will stay the same for billions of years. Also, we would live on the surface of the sphere.

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  • The trouble with that is gravimetric sheer from the sun+ the reason why we cant just build superstructures in space----> zero gravity----> which amplifies any tension & torque applied throughout a superstructure by transfer of motion and gravimetric effects of large groups of mass. You cant make a 5 meter thick tether of steel 5 miles long with a fluctuating mass on one side and a stationary mass on the other---> the fluctuation of mass on the one end causes motion within the tether which is amplified in correlation with the length of the tether and causes even a 5 meter thick tether to snap. An thing is you dont even need that much flux in mass to cause a kinetic motion wave; a single person walking 5 feet forward will create enough flux on a platform attached to a 5 mile long tether and counter weight to cause even a 5 meter thick tether of stainless surgical steel to snap. Its why you need meta materials and super density materials for super structures in space. An why building a network of small structures to work in unison to achieve same result is much easier and more efficient

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