Here's a creative idea that not anyone has really mentioned or thought of.... Ships! They're kinda just props ATM but what if thy served a proper function? Like what if you could walk inside your ship, and have your own private vault? It'll give ships more meaning and make them a more sought-after item, as well as giving us something to do while in orbit waiting for our fireteam to connect. As of right now, most people are using the destiny app more than the vault anyways, so it wouldn't really have any negative impact on people visiting the tower. Also, the internal layout of each ship could be different, causing us to search and want more roomy ships, or more colorful ships. To prevent people from not going to the tower, just place basic items in, like a small 10-items vault, or a message board that allows up to pick up bounties. Just a creative and productive thought :) I would love to see this in game and I know a lot of other people would too.
Or maybe let us actually fly our ships preferably in battle
Well if we are talking destiny and not destiny 2, then that would probably be too much, but hey.. If they manage, then I'm all for a ship battle
Ur definitely right about being too much for destiny but still needs to happen