1. Guys, please calm down. If you think the site looks really bad then suggest some improvements instead of swearing like hell.
2. The titles are NOT gone. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en-us/View/community/blog/News?aid=10130]Do your research[/url] before you start posting rubbish.
3. Be positive. The webteam have worked their butts off to get this running. The least you could do is say thanks.
4. Look at what we have so far. We asked for a better search bar, we got it. We asked for a Notification bar, we got it. We asked for a better friends lists, we got it. We asked for images, we got them. Stop looking at [u]just[/u] the bad things.
5. Follow Foman: #foman
6. Not all the features we have on bungie.net will be here obviously, this is just a beta.
7. View, post, reivew and have fun. This is a BETA after all.