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Edited by Sunset_Oracle: 3/13/2016 11:57:19 AM

Spring Update: The Most Elusive Thing Since Ted Cruz, I Mean The Zodiac Killer

So, I've heard some talk that people think the spring update will bring back the old raids. Only issue is, Black Hammer is one of the reasons I think it won't happen. If a year 2 Black Hammer became available then no one would try for the Spindle. They'd infuse the legendary immediately and use another exotic. The only way I could see Spindle remaining relevant is if they change it so that White Nail doesn't draw ammo from your reserve essentially turning the exotic into an even more exotic weapon, but only for Spindle. In my personal experience, the Spindle is a weapon that requires specific scenarios for proper usage, just like Hammer did. Though it was great to have in year one, I only regularly pulled it out on Phogoth and the Devil Walker. Yes, I know there are other big targets to use it on, but at the end of the day it was Ice Breaker for me. I'm not saying it's a useless weapon, it just doesn't wow me enough. On top of this, Black Hammer would have more customization and Spindle having that edge over the legendary would, to me, still give a lot of diversity to the weapons being used while also allowing players to use either weapon. Because lord knows dishing out a load of weapons with good perks is WAY less important than using the dozens of cruddy perks on even crudier guns. I'm probably very wrong, but it's just a thought I had. There are a million other ways to fix this issue I'm sure, but that'd be the only good one that I know many others will agree on. I'm also only bringing this up because it's a trend to say the old raids will be brought back when we know the Bunj doesn't really care that much about us. Share your thoughts if you see this, in the meantime I'm gonna go ass blast the Daughters with my Bad Touch before it gets nerfed!

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