I was enjoying a simple rumble match, winning and I was shredding people with my iron banner machine gun. After I had won, I received a message from some rap scallion saying, "Proud of heavy kills -blam!-"
I replied very passive aggressively, "yes my good sir, I do enjoy the art of actually picking up heavy and using it :)"
He never replied.
Shows that some people can be real assholes sometimes. Please spread the awareness
Had the same recently, guy messaged me after a Rumble match on Memento with something along the lines of "Nice only heavy kills scrub, learn to play" He went negative with TLW, Blink, and 1KYS Got matched up with him again on the same map about 10 minutes later, beat him a second time in a row and only got two kills with heavy that whole match. Some people just suck.