My sniper headshot percentage is 86.7.
Pretty excellent!
Edited by The_Hunted: 3/13/2016 4:32:14 PMHow do I check pvp?
86.7 is amazing. I hovered around 82% for the longest time. Started body shotting more in this meta so it stays around 75% now.
For all those not sure where to check use destiny tracker. The grimoire iirc is for everything, including pve
70% In reality I hit almost all my shots but I was terrible once and my stats suck because of it
What's mine?
39% but slowly making my way up landing lots of headshots lately
Edited by alghasfohsafovah: 3/13/2016 3:33:11 PMAbout 41%, although I almost never use them in PvP. Fusion Rifles are a lot better and a lot more fun to use IMO. I pretty much only use Snipers in PvE.
What's mine?
My percentage is 85%, yet I only hit 65.9% head shots.
Edited by jefedemuchanina: 3/13/2016 2:54:57 PM84.8% headshot overall and above 80% every mode think i got close to 10k kills overall with snipes
Why brag about yourself? Pretty pathetic
Edited by Popes Long Arm: 3/13/2016 3:36:11 PMHold on, let me check. Probably not good. Edit: Yep, only about 54% Edit: just checked DTR and it turns out I have 74% in pvp
destiny tracker says I've got a 65.9.... I thought I would be worse lol
Well I use my precious invective almost all the time...
Edited by DMGRGN: 3/13/2016 2:54:31 PM41%. I don't snipe much, and over many an FPS across the past 20 years, I've never been into sniping. It's just not my style.
26% with two kids sharing my account.
Edited by Hunter-Max99: 3/13/2016 4:58:41 PMThis percentage say nothing... I hit (what feels like) like 70% of my shots in PvP, but like to practice no/quick scoping in PvE. Also a good sniper knows when there is no point in going for a headshot... My percentage is 37% Edit: 78% on my Titan (Main PvP Class at the moment)
More than 36000 kills Just barely over 1000 sniper kills. FUSION RIFLES STILL WORK!
If your headshot percentage is 86.7% then the chances are that before you take your shot I've shot, missed, shot again and killed you
Body shots ftw
52% Pretty much crap, not surprising since i just never took to sniping in any game. Dunno why. I think it might be because of the scope. I don't like scopes on any gun. So maybe that's why lol.