I was enjoying a simple rumble match, winning and I was shredding people with my iron banner machine gun. After I had won, I received a message from some rap scallion saying, "Proud of heavy kills -blam!-"
I replied very passive aggressively, "yes my good sir, I do enjoy the art of actually picking up heavy and using it :)"
He never replied.
Shows that some people can be real assholes sometimes. Please spread the awareness
I got hate mail because I'm a 1kdr player and I dominated a 2kdr player using thorn and medator-shotgun(sorry I'm a year 2 player forgot the name) on a match it was mostly me and him on 1v1 situations. I teabagged him at the end. I was using a eyalusa. I went like 2.5kdr that match he was like at a .9kdr. I'll check if I have his hate message on my psn messages.