Hi! I have basic Destiny + The Dark Below + House of the wolves and there is no offer in PS store to purchase only The Taken King Expansion, I can buy The Taken King + 2 Expansions that I already have for the insane price.
How I can purchase ONLY The Taken Kingm cause I already have 2 expansions I don't need ti buy them again..
If you load up destiny and go to the director (screen with the planets), off to the right of earth there should be an icon. When TTK first launched, this is where you were able to upgrade with just TTK. Now I'm not sure if it's still there or not. It may show up as only the credits.
OK, ty, guys, I guess I'll be waiting for the discount...
$39 is the cheapest you can get the taken king, with or without the other two dlcs. I think it's $39.99 from the ps store, amazon has it for $39.