Make the lighthouse venture attainable via PvE! There's some really nice trails gear, weapons, shaders and emblems that are completely out of my reach! All players should be able to experience every aspect of the game! On my day off I want to be able to come on and play destiny and not be limited in what I can do because of my ability and shortage of fire team members. Most of my friends have moved onto other games now because they feel destiny has nothing more to offer and I'm slowly starting to agree with them. Get it fixed destiny!
You have to put in the time yourself to reach the lighthouse. I didn't just download destiny and fly to the lighthouse
I'm ok with good pvp players having content that fits their skill, same as having a hard raid and the skilled pve players having that content. What bothers me is this community is supposed to be the best, but I've had very bad experiences in raids or crucible where I was doing poorly and people lost patience with me. So, I'm ok with not have the ToO gear or the hard raid gear, but I should not be limited on my power level. I should still be able to max out my character and I have a solution. 1. Increase Legendary Mark cap to 500. 2. Allow all factions to sell their own engrams. That gear drops no lower than your current light level. This would allow us a better chance at gaining the gear we want without having to lower our light. Lessens the grind. 3. Give us another way to level the gear we like. Add an armor smith and give the armor and weapon smith the ability to infuse your gear to the maximum light level one point at a time using glimmer, legendary marks, ascendant materials, radiant materials, etheric light, and moldering shards as part of the cost. The higher the light gets on an item the higher the cost to infuse it to the next level (only works on year 2 items that have the infusion slot. good for leveling gear you are having a hard time increasing the light). lessens the grind. 4. (possible reforge) The smiths should be able to modify our weapons and armor using parts we have collected from other gear. We choose what to keep when dismantling items. A standard dismantle would yield glimmer and upgrade materials. A focused dismantle would yield the perk you want to keep. Example: a rare sniper rifle drops at 270 with the scope you wish you had on your 310 1000 yard. You would focus dismantle the 270 rare for the scope, take your 1000 yard and scope to the weapon smith for forging. lessens the grind. This would make year 1 content relevant by, but keep us using year 2 gear, give us more to do during the week, give us an alternate avenue of leveling up in case we don't get what we need this week and still incentivize raid and nightfall activities as these are the best activities for higher level gear.