"You are injured. You need to rest."-Silver
[b]he bites down on his shoulder to hold on[/b]
*he tries to pry his jaw open and remove it from his shoulder "Ow! Dude, what the heck?"-Silver
[b]he lets go and sits on the ground in front of him with his head down, a weak whine is heard when he tried to look up[/b]
"I'm just trying to help you. You are one of the few members of Cyprus left. I'm not going to let any more of Cyprus fall."-Silver *he takes a seat in front of him
[b]nothing seemed to matter because the low whine was still audible[/b]
*he puts his hand on Lethal's shoulder "You need anything?"-Silver
"Well, how has it been since the war?"-Silver
[b]there was silence for a minute[/b] I've been ok
"Good. Well, I am happy to inform you that since we last met, I've met up with Evelyn and Deceiver, although Evelyn is currently MIA."-Silver
[b]he sits there quietly thinking about something[/b]
Edited by SilverPulse620: 3/12/2016 6:59:15 PM"What's wrong?"-Silver
My necklace is gone...it was my only memento
"Memento to Cyprus? Want some help finding it?"-Silver
Memento of my mother... [b]his voice was very weak and hopeless[/b]
"Oh. I see. Would you like some help finding it?"-Silver
I would... [b]he looks at the ground and slowly stands[/b]
*he helps him up "So, what does it look like? Where did you last see it?"-Silver
It's silver with a large red gemstone in the center...I keep it in a box when I don't wear it and it went missing....I forgot about it thanks to the sedatives
Edited by SilverPulse620: 3/12/2016 7:40:20 PM"Any idea if anyone may have taken it? If so, who?"-Silver
I don't know...I'd kill them by now if I did
"Good to know. If I find out who it is, I'll inform him or her."-Silver
Don't bother...the instant you find them I'll Beatle to sniff them out and rip them in two [b]his pale skin quickly regains its color and his heartbeat is very audible[/b] But I won't stop there. I'll reconnect their nerves through telepathic signals to watch their limbs twitch and writhe in agony