[quote][quote]Veteran player here. I am a 319 Titan +316 hunter looking to help out a fellow new guardian to Destiny for the Refer-A-Friend quest line.
Send a message to Blazingli0n if you're interested.
I'm on Xbox One ,Message me on Xbox live
Please maker sure you have played The Taken King under 7 days
Will say when taken[/quote][/quote]
[quote][quote][quote][updated]Veteran player here. I am a 319 Titan +316 hunter looking to help out a fellow new guardian to Destiny for the Refer-A-Friend quest line. Send a message to Blazingli0n if you're interested. I'm on Xbox One ,Message me on Xbox live Please maker sure you have played The Taken King under 7 days https://www.bungie.net/en/ReferAFriend?code=RAF-TAF-ART-ADP Will say when taken[/quote][/quote][/quote]