A Different kind of highlights video, we're a (very) average team of players who occasionally (somehow) manage to scrape 5 wins - but we have a lot of fun doing it.
TL:DW : A rant about matchmaking, lots of swearing, orb tickling and a big dollop of luck
Trials is alot of fun tho, Yesterday I did it with friends on our ''worst'' characters. The goals where to get a 5 streak (for the chestpiece) and to complete the bounties. After we completed the five streak and completed matches was all we had to do we just made up challenges, like crouch only, hilts only and 1v3, and had more fun in destiny crucible then i've had in 2016. -blam!- KD, -blam!- winning, we all were between 300 and 305 and kept getting full clan 318 matchups with sweaty players with last words etc. Have fun ;)