How about an Exotic armor piece with an Exotic perk that allows Gunslingers to use their 1st Golden Gun shot to gain Damage Resistance?
Exotic armor appearance?
Uh, IDK. Just make it look cool, K?
Exotic armor possible names?
"Cataclysmic Restraints" (Gauntlets)
"Cataclysmic Restraint" (Chest)
Exotic perk description?
Golden Gun can be used to apply Damage Resistance buff
[First] Golden Gun [shot] can be used to apply Damage Resistance buff
Exotic perk possible names?
"Wolf's Coat"
"Solitary Offering"
"Wild Seclusion"
"Silva's Refuge"
Basically you want to be invincible in pvp when you have you golden gun. Don't beat around the bush man. Stupid idea