What one thing would you bring? It could be a movie, a phone, a laptop, a rock to bash your head with, or anything you can think of really. Assume the island has free wifi or something. What music album, book, movie, or even just a picture, would you keep with you? I'd probably bring Access All Arenas by Justice, or my laptop. Remember, you can only bring one thing. It could be a gun, I don't give a -blam!-. I've been blabbing on for too long, just answer the question. That's the point of this shitty thread.
Shameless bump
Fishing stuffs.
[i]A way off of the island.[/i]
A gun.
Teleportation Belt!
Maybe...a house?
a fine bitch with a fat ass 😂
In infinite roll of duct tape.
Boat lmao
Cocaine. [spoiler]I could swim back in five minutes.[/spoiler]
A tool kit to build a boat and get off the island
A charger
A boat with all the food
Pocket pussy.
Bear grills
A cruise ship.
a shipping container full of survival gear.
I would bring a teleporter...
I concur with the light saber. But if we're talking strictly modern things here, probably a high quality bow/arrows or firearm. Lighter or knife would be a good choice too. Better yet, a survival bow that includes a built in Firestarter, knife, scope, and various types of arrows.
Probably a light saber, it's very multipurpose. Hunting, murdering, cooking, evaporating the ocean, and just generally being a badass
A lifetime supply of food
I would bring a sandwich
My bow. Cause then I can become like Oliver Queen.
A loaded gun