They said the same about Halo....also Destiny still has alot more creativity, the divisions version of "exotic" perks are does 4% more crit damage, instead of 3%. The loot in the game doesnt look worth grinding for and I can see it getting boring very quick...but heck I still might check it out....sure won't kill destiny though especially when they drop the next'll be back
Halo kicks ass and they're still dropping free content
Everyone I knew who bought Halo stopped playing it and still plays destiny all the time
I'm one of them the smart aim system sucks
What is smart aim exactly?
I think that's what they called the aiming in halo smart aiming
Oh, well that was new I just barely use it, seems to work for me. Halo has always been about hip fire
Halo isn't for the faint of heart
Halos not halo anymore
What exactly has changed so much that people don't like? I mean the stories aren't as good as they used to be. But it's been 15 years, the game has to change
I like how they are taking ideas all the way from CE that never made it into the actual game but... maybe they could have executed it better? Back in 2001-2010 people played Halo for the MP and the Story, now one of these is missing.