Hey what's up guys? I put together a pretty long video here on a number of different Shadestep tips to help you become a PvP god with Shadestep as well as piss everyone off at the time :)
Sorry the audio quality isn't the best - I use a fairly old headset.
Anyway, hope you enjoy and learn something from this. I worked really hard on it. If you have any questions I'll do my best to give you a solid response.
I had a written guide ready for you guys but I'm not too familiar with the Bungie forums and formatting. Plus I think there is a character limitation. Here's a reddit link if you cannot watch it or have no sound: https://www.reddit.com/r/CruciblePlaybook/comments/48nmcs/how_to_shadestep_like_a_pro/
Edited by bilbo t baginzz: 3/3/2016 10:02:22 PMThe fact that you can shade step and grenades which are in range to hit you dont hit you is pretty bullshit... and axion bolts juts have no clue where youve gone.